Alternative medicine and methods of treatment of diseases.
Useful information about the natural treatment of diseases. Alternative medicine.
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Gut feeling treatment for eating disorders
BKK: To sensitize vocational students for eating disorders09/08/2014 In recent years, the number of inpatient treatments for eating disorders in...
Belly Fat What foods to avoid
What foods should be avoided for a flat stomach03/18/2015 The spring-like temperatures make for anticipation of the summer. Then many...
Belly fat reduces mental performance
Belly fat affects the cognitive abilities of seniors 22.03.2012 A high proportion of abdominal fat (visceral fat) is related to...
Belly fat increases risks of arterial hardening
Dangerous belly fat: Damage to arteries already in middle age 03/26/2015 Fat, which is lodged between the organs in the...
Remove belly fat The best 25 methods
Removing belly fat is one of the goals of overweight people, because in the abdominal region fat is often the...
Abdominal aortic aneurysm Simples ultrasound of the abdominal aorta a lifesaver
Time bomb in the stomach: Ten-minute ultrasound examination can save lives In an abdominal aortic aneurysm, the abdominal aorta greatly...
Battling Ropes Swing Ropes, Strengthen Shoulders
Battling ropes - Swing ropes and strengthen shoulders 06/27/2014 For many professional athletes, the Battling Ropes have long been part...
Batteries, razorblades and metals Everything was found in stomachs
Swallowed: Doctor found the most impossible objects in the stomachs of his patientsFive-mark pieces, razor blades, safety pins: a doctor...
Basic foods
Angry or basic? These terms, which we associate with the ph value in chemistry lessons, also play an important role...
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