Belly Fat What foods to avoid

Belly Fat What foods to avoid / Health News

What foods should be avoided for a flat stomach


The spring-like temperatures make for anticipation of the summer. Then many want to have the winter bacon away. Sport is important to get rid of the belly fat. Naturally, nutrition also plays an important role. Some foods should be avoided better.

Shorter life by a lot of belly fat
The days are getting warmer and summer is approaching. Until then, the winter bacon should finally be dismantled. There are plenty of reasons to fight the fat. Because obesity or obesity also increases the risk of complications such as diabetes, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack. In particular, the belly fat is considered a particularly harmful body fat. For example, a study commissioned by the US National Cancer Institute has found a significant reduction in the lifespan of extremely high abdominal fat.

Avoid certain foods
A flat stomach is therefore not only a symbol of sportiness and physical fitness, but can also extend life. Sports and special training units help to reach the goal. Also important is a healthy diet to be fit for the summer. Strict diet is usually not important, writes the news agency „spot on news“. If you avoid certain foods, you have a good chance of a flat stomach. Salt is therefore dangerous. A balanced salt intake is important for the health, but too much of the „white gold“ not only raises blood pressure but also hampers the flat stomach mission. This is because salt keeps water in the body. The result, according to the agency more weight and extra inches without any calories. Therefore, should be left of ready meals your fingers, as they usually contain a lot of salt.

Stay away from white bread and alcohol
Also white bread should be deleted from the nutrition plan. For a flat stomach, namely, the consumption of carbohydrates should be reduced. Whole grain products are an alternative, not just in the form of bread, but also whole wheat pasta or rice. Potatoes are also problem-free, as the calorie content of the tuber fruit is moderate. Furthermore, urgently from „bad“ Alcohol discouraged. Because wine and beer not only have many calories, but they also inhibit the formation of testosterone. In addition, alcohol is reported to block fat burning for a while.

It depends on the right fats
A flat stomach is not necessarily the result of a low-fat diet. As the agency writes, it is important to eat fat, but you have to know which one. Good fat suppliers include avocados and coconut oil and the fat of flaxseed or nuts therefore supports a flat stomach. Saturated fatty acids, on the other hand, should be reduced. And too much butter and fried foods should be left over. Often, according to the agency, the fat rolls over the waistband are not the problem, but a bloated stomach. Therefore, it is advised to avoid certain flatulent foods such as cabbage or legumes such as lentils. Carbonated drinks should also be avoided. Since raw vegetables can also lead to a bloated stomach, too much raw food should be avoided. (Ad)

> Picture: Peter Smola