Battling Ropes Swing Ropes, Strengthen Shoulders

Battling Ropes Swing Ropes, Strengthen Shoulders / Health News

Battling ropes - Swing ropes and strengthen shoulders


For many professional athletes, the Battling Ropes have long been part of the training program. Thus, the football goalkeeper Ron-Robert Zieler swears by Hannover 96 on the „wild ropes“. A thick rope is rhythmically waved in waves. In this way, especially the shoulder muscles should be strengthened. In the meantime recreational athletes are also using the Battling Ropes for training.

Training with Battling Ropes is very effective
The Battling Ropes are used for athletic training in which the athlete holds two thick rope ends in his hands. In the middle, the rope is attached to a wall bar or a dumbbell rack. To make the rope vibrate evenly, the athlete pulls the rope ends slightly and moves them up and down. This exercise is repeated until the muscles are exhausted.

The inventor of the Rope training is the 52-year-old American John Brookfield, who holds numerous records, for example, in truck pulling or playing card tearing. Meanwhile, the effective training method is also used by many football clubs to increase strength and endurance, or as rehabilitation measures.

As Professor Christoph Eifler, Head of Training Science at the German University for Prevention and Health Management / BSA Academy in Saarbrücken, opposite the news agency „dpa“ explained, the Battling Ropes are used primarily to strengthen the shoulder muscles. The training also strengthens the trunk and arms and should be gentle on the joints.

Beginners should complete a moderate training with the Battling Ropes
If you are new to the Battling Ropes, you should start with three to four intervals, with one minute break in between, according to Eifler. Trained athletes can complete five to six intervals and shorten the break to half a minute. The rope halves can be moved parallel or offset in the oscillating movements. It is also possible to circle and overlay. Who wants to intensify the Rope training, can also do squats, lunges or running movements during the rope swing.

In addition to the speed of the swing and the load duration, the thickness and length of the rope also play an essential role. The body of the athlete is more demanding, the thicker and longer the rope is, since then more weight must be moved. Most of the Battling Ropes are 15 to 30 meters long and have a diameter of 30 to 50 millimeters.

Image: Michael Lengersdorff