Remove belly fat The best 25 methods

Remove belly fat The best 25 methods / diabetes
Removing belly fat is one of the goals of overweight people, because in the abdominal region fat is often the most common. Nearly 50% of Germans between the ages of 18 and 79 are overweight and one in four is considered obese. Strong obesity promotes many diseases, especially in the cardiovascular system. Obesity is not just overweight. Although the so-called body mass index (BMI) indicates how body weight behaves to body size. However, that says little, because it depends on how the fat spreads throughout the body.


  • Inner belly fat
  • The apple type
  • The pear type
  • How does belly fat form??
  • lack of exercise
  • stress
  • How to reduce belly fat?

Inner belly fat

Fat on the buttocks, on the hips and thighs increases the risk of metabolic disorders and vascular disease came along. Things are different with inner abdominal fat: This is a major cause of both cardiovascular problems and diabetes.

Many people want to get rid of excess pounds. But how exactly do our expectations and set goals affect weight loss? (Picture: Picture-Factory /

Belly fat releases fatty acids as well as messengers that promote inflammation. Too much belly fat increases blood pressure and blood fat and raises blood sugar levels. (See also: lower blood sugar)

The apple type

We refer to people with a hull in the form of an apple as an apple type. With them, the fat is deposited on the abdominal skin, the back and the sides as well as the internal organs such as stomach, intestine or liver.

Problems causes "apples" fat on internal organs - internal belly fat. We easily overlook this: If you have a thick but firm stomach, you often mistaken it for muscle because it lacks the buffalo fat. The waist circumference is the most important indicator of inner abdominal fat. Most men suffer from it - in women, older people are often affected. The fat in the abdominal area is actively involved in metabolism and often has negative effects on it.

The pear type

With the "pears", the fat accumulates in the hips, buttocks and thighs. They suffer less from metabolic disorders than the "apples", but just as often from diseases of the knee joint. Especially overweight women are affected (85%).

How does belly fat form??

Anyone who wants to break belly fat, must first know how it arises. That's what myths are about. While it is true that high levels of sugar and high fat in the diet promote fat accumulation in the body, this does not say anything about why some people develop inner abdominal fat, but others develop lower fat.

lack of exercise

Internal abdominal fat is certainly caused by lack of exercise, as proven by recent studies with computer tomographs. After two weeks without regular exercise, the inner abdominal fat increases significantly. Conversely, it drops rapidly due to regular exercise.

Inner belly fat just produces the body to provide energy that is available during physical work and exercise.

Not infrequently, stress is compensated by eating and thus leads to obesity. (Image: ajr_images /


Chronic stress increases cortisol levels. This hormone from the adrenal gland, synthetically known as cortisone, leads in excess to the Stammfettsucht. The stomach becomes thick, arms and legs but stay slim. The cells of the inner abdominal fat bind the cortisol to a great extent.

In addition, those who suffer from stress often stuff themselves with foods that contain a great deal of sugar and fat, as this releases endorphins - happiness hormones.

How to reduce belly fat?

Anyone who wants to reduce belly fat and repeatedly submits to the latest diets fails, as a rule, and the obesity is joined by the frustration. However, there are simple rules that help immediately.

1) Make sure you have a regular breakfast. Who refrains from the plague food cravings and the greed for sweet and greasy. It is good if breakfast contains fiber as well as minerals, vitamins like complex carbohydrates.

In particular for the complex carbohydrates, for example in wholegrain bread, the following applies: The body needs carbohydrates to provide energy. But we also need to consume this energy, otherwise it will accumulate as fat.

2) Drink often and plenty of cold water. The body uses up calories to bring the water up to its temperature. In addition, water fills the stomach. Therefore, drink water in between to avoid hunger attacks. What's more, thirst and hunger are close together, and we often eat a snack when we are really thirsty. Before eating you should always drink water, then you have less appetite, because the stomach is already filled.

3) Eat low in calories. If you eat meat, give chicken meat priority over pork, if you eat chicken, take the breast instead of the fat-rich thighs. Or grab the even lower-fat turkey.

Avoid finished products and make their own soups, sauces and dips. Ketchup, for example, often contains almost 50% sugar. If you mix tomato paste with soy sauce instead and add herbs, only a fraction of it remains. Instead of chips, you can eat apple chips or kohlrabi strips on the sofa, and even pretzel sticks are far less popular than potato chips.

MacDonalds, Burgerking, etc. are NoGo: Hamburger & Co are extremely fat-like sugar-rich and lead, in addition to the large intake of calories in addition to cravings. So they take easily three to four times calories

Eat "Mediterranean": lots of fruits and vegetables, olive oil and fish, little red meat and simple carbohydrates.

High-protein food is long-lasting, while high-fat food only briefly soothes hunger.

4) Eat when you are hungry. This is not so easy. We are so oversaturated with energy drinks, sweets or fast food stuffed that we barely recognize the difference between hungry and full.

We eat because we are bored, because there is something to eat, or because we have lunch break. Get used to eating only when you feel hungry.

6) Avoid soft drinks with sugar. Cola, Fanta, Sprite or Red Bull contains a lot of sugar, as well as "iced tea" from the supermarket, sweetened nectar still a lot. Drink water when you are thirsty. Mix spritzers of fruit juice and water, make your own iced tea.

7) Eat slowly. If you chew well and take your time eating, eat less. The body takes up to 20 minutes to record the information "full". It does not matter if they bring one or three plates into the stomach first. See also: "Fletching".

9) Move. Walk or ride a bike. In the parking garage take the stairs instead of the elevator.

10) You can also cycle for 30 minutes every day, plan jogging or strength training, and integrate abdominal exercises into your daily routine. A good practice is push-ups where you press the abdomen to the floor or when you lie on your back and repeatedly straighten your upper body as much as possible.

Luckily, belly fat reacts very well to sports, and that's why weight training is particularly successful at reducing fat levels.

Sport is the best way to lose belly fat. Image: magdal3na - fotolia

11) Use everyday life to move. Go up and down while reading or talking instead of lolling on the sofa.

12) Work physically in the home: cleaning the windows, scrubbing the floor, dragging furniture into the basement, even washing up consumes calories.

13) You can easily extend or vary everyday activities that consume calories. For example, if you ride a bike to the university, take a detour. Or you drive as fast as you can. Or you turn a few gears higher.

14) Watch out for sweets. If you love Haribo, Snickers, or Tofifee, reduce the treats or give it up for a while. But you should not go too dogmatic, because that leads to food cravings. It is better if you make sweets in a ritual: In the evening at eight a colorful bag at Mehmed's kiosk.

15) Plan your free time so that you burn fat and have fun at the same time: outdoor trekking instead of sightseeing with the double-decker bus; historical city walk instead of pub. Or do both together. By the way: Even big museums to go through, consumes calories.

16) Mental training. The more we imagine something, the more we work unconsciously to achieve it. Therefore, imagine your body as you would like it to be. This will keep you focused on the goal, and the individual methods of achieving it will soon be self-evident.

So train useful habits and stop harmful habits. It takes some time, but it is very effective. For example, if you've gotten into the habit of drinking a gallon of coke and eating a pack of chips in the evenings, head over to Coke Zero and pretzel sticks, or spritzers and apple chips.

17) Sleep well, because sleep is important for the fat metabolism to get going.

18) Avoid Stress Relievers because we often try to compensate for stress through eating.

19) Do not buy food when you are hungry, but make a list and work it out systematically. This could include, for example, peppers, onions, carrots, wild rice, various types of cabbage, potatoes, turkey breast, low-fat fish such as cod or salmon, apple spritzer and flavored water.

Also, only buy what you really need, not what's cheap.

20) Prevent hunger in between, by the way swallowing a sandwich or having a kebab in your stomach. Eat some fruit at home like a stuffing banana or take small snacks like apple slices, cucumbers or grapes along the way.

21) If you buy less often, you are better off from spontaneous purchases in the supermarket.

22) Eat at regular times, then notice quickly if you carelessly stuff calories into yourself.

23) Do not take over. An old rule. The more we eat, the more calories we give ourselves. Therefore, refrain from filling the plate two or three times.

24) In the restaurant you refrain from sugar-rich desserts and give preference to low-calorie fish or poultry dishes over pork and lamb.

25) Do not store fatteners at home. Keep chips and chocolate under lock and key.

28) Brush your teeth more often, because that dampens your appetite. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)