Alternative medicine and methods of treatment of diseases.
Useful information about the natural treatment of diseases. Alternative medicine.
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Belly pain after eating bread Supposed celiac disease can also have other causes
Food intolerance: Suspected celiac disease may have other causesIn western industrialized countries, up to one percent of the population suffers...
Abdominal pain left / pain left side
Abdominal pain on the left side or on the left side can occur in very different frequency, intensity and type...
Abdominal pain during stress What can you do?
Which helps against stomachache in case of stress06/12/2014 Many people are familiar with the problem that a constant stress can...
Abdominal pain - causes and treatment
Hardly any other symptom indicates such a variety of disorders and diseases as the abdominal pain. Nutritional errors, intolerances or...
Navel Pain Causes and Therapy
Under belly button pain are usually understood all those complaints that occur in the area of the belly button, so...
Navel Inflammation - Symptoms, Causes and Therapy
A navel inflammation, called omphalitis in medicine, occurs especially in infants in the first weeks of life. Fortunately, due to...
Abdominal massage - application and instructions
abdominal massage A stomach massage can have a soothing effect. It relaxes the muscles, dissipating bloating, stimulating blood circulation and...
Abdominal Discomfort After Great Gluttony The best home remedies for heartburn
Acid regurgitation: Which remedies help quickly against heartburnEvery second German suffers occasionally from heartburn. This is often due to a...
Abdominal cramping as an indication of later migraine?
Abdominal cramping in infants Evidence of later migraine? 04/18/2013 Infants suffering from severe abdominal pain - the so-called „Infant colic“...
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