Abdominal pain - causes and treatment

- Causes of acute abdominal pain
- Causes of abdominal pain after pain site
- Nonspecific abdominal pain
- Pain in the upper abdomen
- Pain in the middle abdomen
- Pain in the lower abdomen
- Flank pain and soreness
- Abdominal pain and musculoskeletal system
- Abdominal pain and visceral osteopathy
- Healing practice for abdominal discomfort
- Naturopathy and home remedies for abdominal pain
- treatment
- Home remedies for abdominal pain
- Naturopathy for abdominal pain
Causes of acute abdominal pain
Causes of acute abdominal pain requiring immediate treatment:
Sometimes it is crucial to differentiate temporary or harmless abdominal pain from the acute condition immediately requiring treatment, the acute abdomen, which necessitates (not) a medical examination and, if necessary, immediate hospitalization. This condition can be based on various diseases in different body regions.
Causes of abdominal pain after pain site
First indications of the disorder or illness, which underlies the abdominal pain and has its origin in the digestive system, gives a more detailed description of the pain location of pain quality and additionally existing complaints.

Nonspecific abdominal pain
In most cases, non-specific abdominal pain is not life-threatening and is caused by a rotten stomach, nutritional deficiencies, a lack of digestive juices (dyspepsia) or infectious enteritis. The latter is usually associated with diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Constipation also causes pain, which can often be ameliorated by sufficient drinking and small changes in dietary habits.
Pain in the upper abdomen
Diffuse upper abdominal pain may indicate peptic ulcer disease, reflux, or gastritis, especially if there is heartburn, bloating, and other indigestion. Food allergies and food intolerances such as lactose intolerance and celiac disease are also associated with latent nausea, diarrhea and other symptoms. Gastric carcinoma can also cause discomfort here, although it is i.d.R. rather symptom poor.
If epigastric pains are belt-shaped as attacks and radiate into the back, chronic pancreatitis may be present, while pancreatic cancer should be ruled out in right-sided dull pain associated with mental symptoms.
When the liver becomes ill, it often manifests itself as nonspecific symptoms of tiredness and the like. accompanied by depression. One may think of congestive liver, fatty liver, hepatitis or liver carcinoma.
Gallstones can be associated with colicky pain in the upper abdomen, and possibly with digestive discomfort after greasy meals. After a biliary colic, gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis) can occur, which is characterized by pressure and pain in the upper right abdominal area. If yellow eyes and skin color (jaundice), dark urine and a light bowel movement, the bile ducts are likely to be laid by stones (choledocholithiasis), causing the bile ducts often inflamed (cholangitis). Finally, upper abdominal pain can also be caused by enlarged spleen (splenomegaly) or colon cancer.
Pain in the middle abdomen
Of course, some disorders that cause upper abdominal pain can also cause midbrain pain, e.g. Gastritis, gastric ulcer, gastric carcinoma and chronic pancreatitis. Diarrhea and vomiting are temporary in enteritis, if diarrhea persists, there may be a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (such as Crohn's disease).
Apart from abdominal pain, chronic appendicitis is often inconspicuous, the abdominal wall remains soft, and the typical pressure pain only occurs when deeply palpated. The so-called irritable bowel (irritable bowel syndrome), which can also cause constipation alternating with diarrhea and nervous complaints, may also be associated with pelvic pain. Other causes may include chronic circulatory disorders (for example, in diabetes, hypertension, lipid metabolism disorders and smokers), porphyria, hemochromatosis or lead poisoning.
Even during pregnancy, many women feel an unpleasant pressure or a pull in the middle abdomen. However, this usually has the relatively "harmless" reason that the abdominal wall is increasingly increasingly burdened by the growing and heavier child, which causes the navel to bulge forward as a result. This is usually completely unproblematic, but it can be dangerous if at the same time a "bump" on the navel forms and other symptoms such as red-bluish skin discoloration, stool irregularities, fever or nausea and vomiting occur. Because in this case, the belly button pain could indicate a trapped umbilical hernia, which may even become a life-threatening emergency and therefore must be treated immediately.
Pain in the lower abdomen
Lower abdominal pain is often due to inflammation in the genitourinary tract, e.g. by ovarian and tubal inflammation (adnexitis, salpingo-oporitis) or suggest - along with complaints when urinating - on a bladder infection. But also intestinal adhesions, diverticulitis and colon cancer cause pain in the lower abdomen, as well as, for example, an abdominal cavity or pyelonephritis, a pinched inguinal hernia or chronic inflammatory bowel disease such. Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. If only the right lower abdomen is affected, this is often an indication of appendicitis or appendicitis. In this case, the symptoms often occur first in the area of the navel and only later on migrate to the right lower abdomen. Here, the abdominal wall becomes noticeably tense, and in addition to the pain, other symptoms such as fever, nausea and vomiting as well as constipation frequently occur.
Flank pain and soreness
If there is pain on the sides of the body (from the navel area to the lumbar vertebrae), it is also referred to as flank pain and / or lumbar pain. This pain is often based on diseases in the kidney and are sometimes difficult to distinguish from back pain. This type of pain is most common in kidney stones, pyelonephritis, renal abscess, renal vein thrombosis, renal infarction and chronic nephritis (glomerulonephritis).
Abdominal pain and musculoskeletal system
In all functional processes, including in the organ area, our spine occupies a central position. So it is understandable that there are close connections between abdominal pain and the musculoskeletal system around the spine and the spine itself (vertebroviszerale interaction).
So there are nerves, which supply besides an organ also a joint, a Hautareal or muscles. Especially in the area of the thoracic spine, where there are important neural connections under the so-called ribs, interactions can lead to these interactions. Thus, a tense muscle, an irritated area of skin or a so-called joint blockade cause organ discomfort, or even abdominal pain and vice versa.
Abdominal pain and visceral osteopathy
In osteopathy, the sliding surfaces of the organs are seen as joints. This means that if there is a movement restriction, this can also lead to an impairment of the function.
A functional disorder of the abdominal organs with excessive or diminished function (hyper- or hypo-function) may be the cause of abdominal pain and is open to visceral treatment by osteopathy.
Healing practice for abdominal discomfort
Naturopathy and home remedies for abdominal pain
The causes of abdominal pain are very versatile. The naturopath Isolde Schilling explains about causes and experience-therapeutic home remedies of natural medicine. Everything to stomach ache ...
Because of the variety of causes, the treatment of abdominal pain always depends on the underlying disease or disorder and can therefore vary quite differently from case to case. Mild ailments that are often due to nutritional errors in everyday life such. cause a fatty, low-fiber diet, go e.g. usually quite fast back, when the diet is switched to a fiber-containing and reduced-fat diet. Likewise, abdominal pain, which occurs as a result of a mild gastrointestinal infection, can often be alleviated by bed rest, herbal tea (e.g., fennel, chamomile, stomach tea), heat, and a diet. Here, for example, particularly well grated apple, banana porridge and carrot soup, as here so-called "pectins" are included, which absorb like a "sponge" bacteria and toxic intestinal products and ensure rapid elimination of these. In general, care should be taken to ensure a sufficient supply of water to counteract the loss of fluid in case of diarrhea. It should also be borne in mind that when an infection is caused by pathogens, it also has a healing function as the aqueous stool carries the pathogens out of the body.
However, if the symptoms become more severe, colicky or recurrent, a doctor must be consulted in each case, who clarifies the cause and if necessary initiates appropriate treatment measures. In some intestinal infections, for example, the intake of antibiotics is required here, in case of hyperacidity of the stomach, on the other hand, gastric protection drugs usually come with active substances, such as, for example, Pantoprazole and omeprazole ("proton pump inhibitor") are used to suppress acid secretion from the glandular cells of the stomach wall. In more serious cases, such as In a colon tumor, surgery may be necessary. If there is sudden severe pain in the abdominal region, which stop and amplify quickly, it is a so-called "acute stomach", which must be treated promptly in the hospital. Because in most cases, this indicates a life-threatening situation such. a pinched hernia, kidney failure or acute inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis).
Immediate medical evaluation is also urgently required if the abdominal pain is accompanied by other signs of illness such as high fever, shortness of breath, bloating, weight loss, diarrhea or nausea and vomiting. In addition, there are a number of other warning signs that must be taken seriously in connection with complaints in the abdominal area and must be examined by a doctor or ambulance. These include, for example, blood in the stool, sudden vaginal or urinary bleeding, facial pallor, and black bowel movements. Here, further treatment in the next step also depends on the underlying disease.
Home remedies for abdominal pain
If the symptoms can be attributed to a relatively harmless cause such as a "rotten" stomach or a slight gastrointestinal infection, various home remedies are available for relief. For example, after a greasy meal, artichokes in the form of juice or tablets can help prevent it, as well as a tea with fennel, anise and cumin in most cases soothes and soothing, if a bloated stomach or a feeling of fullness. Also, a teaspoon of soda dissolved in a glass of lukewarm water, is suitable for mild stomach pain and nausea, as this binds excess stomach acid. Another proven home remedy for stomach pain is the so-called "psyllium", from which either the whole seeds or only the peels are processed. These are the seeds of various plantain plants (botanical: Plantaginaceae), which are native to, inter alia, India, Pakistan and Central and Southern Europe. It is characteristic that the psyllium contains plenty of fiber and can bind a lot of fluid, which makes it used as a home remedy for constipation as well as for diarrhea.

In addition, the "panacea" chamomile can be very effective, as it on the one hand triggers spasms and at the same time inhibits possible inflammation. For example, the preparation of a tea is popular, for which ten chamomile blossoms are boiled with one liter of boiling water and left for five to seven minutes. Often, non-medical practitioners and naturopathic doctors also recommend a so-called "roll cure". In this case, first a large cup of chamomile tea is drunk, then the patient lies down for about five minutes in succession on the back, the right side, the stomach and the left side. In the end, it turns back onto the back, allowing the valuable ingredients of chamomile to reach everywhere and affect the entire stomach lining. The treatment should be performed for at least one week, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach, up to three times a day as needed. However, it is advisable to rest for at least 30 minutes after each passage, and care should be taken to keep the stomach warm during use.
In case of mild discomfort, warmth can generally be very pain-relieving and soothing, for example by placing a warmed cherry stone cushion or a hot water bottle on the abdomen. If this is not enough, a warm stomach wrap can be tried to relieve flatulence, gastric or menstrual pain. This is applied from the costal arch to the hips, the area being completely turned like a calf wrap. As a precaution, it is advisable to place a waterproof pad on the bed at the level of the abdomen for protection, followed by a woolen cloth and a somewhat larger, thicker intermediate (for example, Molton) blanket. Now an inner cloth made of linen or cotton is dipped in warm water and wrung out, whereby it should reach a temperature of 35 ° to 40 ° C. Place the damp cloth on the cloth, then place the patient with the center of the body resting on the cloths. The damp inner wrap should now be tightly wrapped around the body and then wrapped one after the other with the shawl and the woolen cloth and the "wrapped" at the end well covered. After about 30 minutes, the cloths are removed again, whereby the patient should rest for another half to two hours, so that the abdominal wrap can react.
In addition, if the pain is associated with a harmless reflux, naturopathic home remedies for heartburn can help alleviate the discomfort. Nutrition plays a key role in this, as there are a number of foods and stimulants that can stimulate the production of stomach acid in many people and thereby trigger heartburn. These include, among others, tobacco smoke, alcohol and coffee, as well as fatty sausages, hot spices (chili, pepper, mustard, etc.) or certain white flour products and sweets. In addition, raw food in any form can promote heartburn, cooked vegetables, however, is usually well tolerated. In addition to changing the diet, chamomile (as a tea, roll therapy, etc.) is often a very effective remedy for an excess of stomach acid, as well as the complaints can be alleviated in many affected by oatmeal or soaked linseed.
Since stomach problems do not always have an organic cause, it is also important to consider the psyche as the cause of the condition. Because it often happens that, for example, conflicts or the loss of a close person are "not digestible" or literally "hit our stomach" with stress and tension. In these cases mental stress manifests itself in the form of abdominal problems and indigestion, as it "oppresses" us or we "eat" it into ourselves. If the symptoms are severe and / or occur regularly, a doctor should be consulted in any case to completely clarify the cause and to exclude organic problems. On the other hand, if the symptoms are not so severe and present only irregularly or in certain situations (such as stress at work, in conflict situations at home etc.), in many cases relaxation techniques can be an effective aid. Depending on your personal taste and need, there are many ways to reduce stress, such as autogenic training, meditation, yoga exercises or progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobson. Likewise, martial arts such as tai chi or qigong are becoming increasingly popular, as they too can gradually lead to more relaxation and inner balance and thus to more health, vitality and joy of life.
Naturopathy for abdominal pain
In addition, homeopathy offers various remedies in the field of natural medicine, which can be used effectively for abdominal pain. If the symptoms are due to stress or occur, for example, After luscious, high-fat (meat) meals, drinking alcohol or too much coffee and nicotine, Nux vomica (Brechnuss) has proven its worth. In addition, in many cases in pain after an excess of food and drink recommended Antimonium crudum (black spit shine), especially when parallel vomiting, diarrhea with undigested food or whitish tongue coating occur. In case of concomitant symptoms such as flatulence and / or belching, Carbo Vegetabilis can also be helpful, as well as Asa foetida (Stinkasant) comes into consideration when the pain with a strong pressure feeling, smelly belching, a lump in the throat, abdominal and rather soft, strong smelling stool.
A Bach flower therapy or Schuessler salts can provide good support for problems with the stomach. Depending on the cause and severity of the symptoms, salts No. 3 (Ferrum Phosphoricum), No. 10 (Natrum Sulfuricum) and No. 7 (Magnesium Phosphoricum) may be used. The latter may also help with abdominal pain caused by menstruation or intestinal cramps , In addition, aromatherapy offers an effective holistic treatment approach to harmonize body, mind and soul and thereby relieve the discomfort. Amongst others, plants such as chamomile, lemon balm, sheep grave or muscatella sage, which can be used, for example, in the form of a compress or as a massage oil, are suitable. (jvs, no)
Twisted testes (testicular torsion)
Acute abdominal pain
Stimulate digestion
Picture 1: sigrid rossmann / pixelio.de