Abdominal massage - application and instructions

Abdominal massage - application and instructions / Naturopathy

abdominal massage

A stomach massage can have a soothing effect. It relaxes the muscles, dissipating bloating, stimulating blood circulation and ensuring that the organs in the abdomen get oxygen. In addition, it relieves pain during the period, helps against stress and promotes digestion.


  • abdominal massage
  • The most important facts
  • For flatulence and constipation
  • Against which complaints it helps to massage the stomach?
  • The abdominal massage
  • How does a classic abdominal massage??
  • The colon massage
  • Massage baby bellies
  • Abdominal massage for menstrual pain

The most important facts

  • An abdominal massage not only serves well-being, but is also suitable for relieving minor pain.
  • It helps against flatulence, constipation and digestive problems and promotes both blood circulation and oxygen uptake.
  • Many abdominal pains are caused by tension in the muscles of the abdominal wall. These can be well alleviated by massaging the abdomen.
  • Abdominal massages are done without or with only gentle pressure. An exception is the colon massage for irritable bowel syndrome. This is about building moderate pressure at certain points.
Not only on humans has a gentle abdominal massage soothing. (Image: Africa Studio / fotolia.com)

For flatulence and constipation

Digestion is a complex process and all complex processes are susceptible to disruption. Discomfort in the biochemistry of the stomach or intestine interfere with digestion as well as hard-to-digest food that contains a lot of fat, for example. Here, a healthy gastrointestinal tract must deliver high performance - and he does not always manage. Typical symptoms of digestive problems are:

  • bloating,
  • Indurations of the abdominal wall,
  • constipation,
  • diarrhea
  • and heartburn.

Chronic gastrointestinal diseases require medical treatment. But a stomach massage can be complementary. Digestive problems that result from an unhealthy diet, too much fat, sugar and alcohol only disappear when you eat a more balanced diet. But in acute ailments, massaging the abdomen is good - for example, if you overeat yourself, to put it mildly.

Against which complaints it helps to massage the stomach?

Massaging the abdomen helps with:

  • Bloating stomach: The massage relaxes the abdominal muscles and the blocked gases can escape more easily. Relaxation also helps with certain abdominal pain, as long as it results from tense abdominal muscles.
  • Lack of blood circulation: Massaging promotes blood circulation, allowing more oxygen and more nutrients to enter the abdomen.
  • emotional stress.
  • Period pain, which often occurs along with cramps in the abdomen.
  • some back pain.
  • Constipation: Massaging stimulates bowel movements, so the digested food is transported and blockages are released. Massages of the abdominal wall stimulate the nerve connections in the intestine.
  • Abdominal pain associated with irritable bowel syndrome.
  • In babies, abdominal massages not only help against bloating, they also increase well-being and promote physical development.
There is no such thing as a hectic massage - it works best when you spend time in a comfortable environment. (Image: New Africa / fotolia.com)

The abdominal massage

To stimulate the intestine, massage the abdominal wall with circular movements about 15 minutes before using the toilet. Important is a quiet atmosphere. The intestine blocks in stress. In addition, you should inhale and exhale long and hard. Especially the abdominal breathing is announced. It has a similar effect on the intestine as the massage, because the organs slide a bit downwards in the direction of the pelvis when they breathe deeply.

You have to give the intestine a quarter of an hour. If you are too impatient, try a relaxation exercise according to your favorite relaxation method before the massage.

How does a classic abdominal massage??

For a stomach massage, lie down and create a quiet environment before. Then breathe calmly and circle the palms of the abdomen with little palms. They always start with the right hand. The right hand turns counterclockwise, the left hand in the other direction. Both circle in the direction of the head.

First put both hands on the bare stomach, with the thumbs on the navel and the fingers towards the pubis. With your right hand, circle over the stomach for three minutes and then rest it on the skin. Then draw the circles with your left hand, also for three minutes. Then circle with both hands. Unlike a shoulder massage, you put little or no pressure. This will take another three minutes.

Then move your right hand down so that the thumb touches the navel and the little finger touches the pubic bone. The left lead you to the upper abdomen, but leave them in contact with the skin. Then you circle again with both palms on the skin. Repeat these movements about ten times, then swap the positions of the hands and circle again ten times. Now move your hands to the left and right belly edge and finish the massage there.

Do not massage with strong pressure or too fast, then you could achieve the opposite of a relaxation - the stomach cramps.

Massage that exerts pressure on the abdominal wall should be left to a therapist. (Image: karelnoppe / fotolia.com)

The colon massage

The colon massage is in contrast to the "normal" abdominal massage to build pressure - and at five points. The colon is the middle part of the large intestine and the massage pressure stimulates the muscle there.

It is not a massage against rather nonspecific digestive complaints, but a special technique against the pains of the irritable bowel syndrome, which creates a vegetative balance in the lower abdomen. But it also stimulates digestion and helps against constipation.

Usually physiotherapists perform this massage. You can also do it yourself, but only after a professional guide. At the five points of the large intestine, apply gentle pressure with two fingers in a circular motion. Do you have very severe pain or an acute inflammation? Then this method is only suitable if a specialist considers this harmless. The effect of the massage against irritable bowel pain can be increased by binding warm compresses around the abdomen and / or taking a warm foot bath.

Massage baby bellies

The contact of the skin relaxes the baby and causes the release of the feel-good hormones. So, massages are also a good way to lull the little ones to sleep. Regular massages promote the formation of myelin, a protein that binds the nerve fibers with the muscles and thus also serve the physical development of the child. The physical touch has a positive effect on the attention and curiosity of the child; Massages stimulate digestion, promote blood circulation and help deepen breathing. As with adults, massaging the baby's stomach helps to prevent bloating.

A baby belly massage with heated oil has a beneficial effect and even contributes positively to the physical development of the child. (Image: sofiko14 / fotolia.com)

The German Society for Baby and Child Massage offers courses in which parents can learn the massage techniques. Here only very briefly the essentials. Baby massage should only be done with gentle pressure, in a warm room where the child feels comfortable. The baby should be healthy and not tired and, above all, want the touch. Do not massage if the baby has just been drinking or eating. Use vegetable oils such as olive, almond or jojoba for the massage and wash off excess oil in warm bath water - this enhances the effect of the massage.
Lay the baby on the changing table or on a soft blanket. Warm the oil on the palms of your hands before spreading it on the baby's stomach. They lay their hands flat on the baby's stomach, stroking them about ten times from the sternum to the upper arms. Then move one hand diagonally from the upper body to the groin, several times on each side.

For flatulence and abdominal pain, flatten with the palm of your hand around the navel, first in small, then in larger circles. The legs of the baby should be slightly bent, thereby relaxing the abdominal wall. Place both thumbs right and left on baby's navel, pull them to the sides. Then move your left hand on the left side of your stomach to your chest. The right hand now strokes the right side of the stomach and follows the course of the intestine. Pay attention to the baby's reaction: If the massage does not like it, cries or cries, break it off.

At the end put one hand under the breast and stroke over the belly from there. Now repeat the same movement with the other hand and then again with the first hand. Repeat this process several times.

Abdominal massage for menstrual pain

To relieve menstrual pain, massage around the navel in a clockwise direction. Well suited are warmed oils with chamomile, fennel or juniper. This relaxes the muscles. The massage works even better if you support it with heat. In addition, a lower back massage often helps, as many women unconsciously cramp their muscles during their period. Unsuitable for regular pain are massages that work with cold. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)