Abdominal Discomfort After Great Gluttony The best home remedies for heartburn

Abdominal Discomfort After Great Gluttony The best home remedies for heartburn / Health News
Acid regurgitation: Which remedies help quickly against heartburn
Every second German suffers occasionally from heartburn. This is often due to a sumptuous meal. There were plenty of them at Christmas. In addition, alcoholic drinks and sweets. The pain from the stomach to the throat can be extremely unpleasant. Experts explain what helps with heartburn.

More and more Germans suffer from heartburn
Millions of people in Germany suffer from heartburn, which is usually accompanied by pain in the stomach and chest. The "reflux disease" has developed in the last 40 years from a rather rare phenomenon to one of the most common problems of gastroenterology, reported the German Society for Gastroenterology, Digestive and Metabolic Diseases (DGVS) in an earlier communication. "A major reason for the increase in the disease and its complications is that more and more people are too fat," said the experts.

The gluttony on the Christmas days has often led to heartburn. If the symptoms do not occur regularly, you do not have to worry much. Most home remedies for heartburn can help. (Image: Adiano / fotolia.com)

Reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus
While it may be very uncomfortable for the stomach to squeeze and burn burning pain from the upper abdomen to the neck, heartburn is only a concern when it's on a regular basis.

Professor Stephan Miehlke of the DGVS said in a message from the news agency dpa: "Occasional heartburn is not bad. It is a matter of concern when someone suffers from it once or twice a week for more than one month. "Patients should consult a doctor.

In heartburn, which results from the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus, the acidic mixture of gastric juice and food particles attacks the mucous membrane. This leads to the typical symptoms: stomach pressure, burning pain, acid regurgitation and nausea.

Causes of heartburn
The transition between stomach and esophagus is normally sealed by a closure mechanism. "If this mechanism is disturbed in its function, it can come to the reflux of stomach contents," said the surgeon Bernd Ablaßmaier, chief physician of the Reflux Center Munich, in the dpa message.

However, heartburn can not only be caused by stomach dysfunction, but also due to heavy stress or an excess of alcohol and nicotine. Some medicines can cause heartburn.

"Often the triggers are heavy, fatty meals. They lead to increased stomach pressure and increased acid production, "said Ablaßmaier. This will make reflux possible.

According to health experts, the most common organic trigger is the diaphragmatic break, which is partly caused by being overweight and can lead to gastric contents flowing upwards.

If left untreated, severe sequelae are threatened
Regardless of the cause, reflux should be prevented in the long run, otherwise secondary diseases are threatened.

"In the longer term, acidity can severely damage the mucous membrane, causing inflammation, painful wounds, and skin growths that narrow the esophagus, making swallowing difficult," said Professor Miehlke.

In addition to esophageal inflammation, malignant tissue changes such as Barrett's esophagus or, in the worst case, esophageal cancer, are rare.

Treat complaints naturally
How to deal with heartburn depends on the cause, frequency and severity of the condition. The gastroenterology portal recommends, among other things: "Drink water or milk to wash away the acid in the esophagus." Or "Eat a small portion of raw sauerkraut, this can relieve the pain."

Basically, it can help many sufferers to adjust their habits. For example, smokers should abstain from using cigarettes as much as possible.

The consumption of alcohol, certain foods such as chocolate, greasy or spicy meals or carbonated drinks should be reduced if necessary. In addition, overweight and obesity should be avoided.

On food shortly before going to bed is better avoided. Since stress is a major trigger for heartburn, relaxation exercises offer stress relief, such as yoga or autogenic training.

Other home remedies for heartburn are methods to stimulate digestion, such as with the help of Swedish bitters or by extensive chewing of the food ("fletters"). If all else fails, medication or, in the worst case, surgery can help. (Ad)