Abdominal pain left / pain left side

Causes of left-sided abdominal pain
Abdominal pain left lower abdomen
Left-sided discomfort in the upper abdomen
Abdominal pain left after eating
Abdominal pain left next to belly button
Treatment for left-sided abdominal pain
Home remedies for abdominal pain (video)
Naturopathy with left-sided abdominal problems
Whether light, strong, pulling, blunt or piercing - abdominal pain on the left side can be very different. The complaints can occur only on the left side, but also radiate, for example, in the upper or middle abdomen, as well as on the right side or in the abdomen, the back, the chest or the legs. On the left side of the abdomen are a number of organs and structures, so that the symptoms can have many causes accordingly. The majority of the abdominal space is taken by the intestine, which consists essentially of the small intestine and large intestine (colon). The small intestine connects directly to the stomach and spreads like a tube in the abdominal cavity with a length of three to six meters, while the large intestine is much shorter and surrounds the small intestine loops like a kind of "picture frame".

Next to it is a portion of the pancreas on the left, as well as the spleen and much of the stomach. Also, the heart can lead to left-sided discomfort in the abdomen (for example, in the case of a heart attack), moreover, the entire abdominal cavity is lined with the so-called "peritoneum", therefore not only organic causes, but also peritonitis are considered for the pain. In addition, in the lower part of the ureter, as well as in women's ovaries and fallopian tubes, which are located in the lower half of the left side of the stomach.
Causes of left-sided abdominal pain
Due to the various organs and structures that are located in the left abdominal area, pain in this area can also have a variety of causes. Therefore, as accurate as possible localization of the symptoms for the doctor is very important, as well as information on strength and type and a possible pain radiation, for example in the form of back or chest pain. In addition, in the investigation parallel symptoms are asked in order to consider or exclude certain diseases. However, it is often difficult to properly classify the pain, as it can be caused by, for example, inflammation of the urinary bladder or uterine disease, although both are more central in the body. Period pain can sometimes occur only on the left side, on the other hand, z. For example, gastritis can also cause right-sided pain, although the stomach is located in the upper part of the abdomen, slightly to the left of the center of the body. Accordingly, in the case of complaints on the left side for an exact diagnosis, it is often necessary to use technical aids (ultrasound, gastroscopy, etc.) following a careful medical history.
Abdominal pain left lower abdomen
If the pain is felt more in the left lower abdomen, this often indicates a disease of the colon. Here comes a so-called "diverticulitis" in question, in which an inflammation forms in the protuberances of the mucous membrane of the large or small intestine (diverticulum). From an expert's point of view, this is usually caused by low-fiber diets, increased consumption of red meat and lack of physical activity, which results in firm, hard bowel movements and many suffer from congestion in parallel. The pressure causes the mucous membrane to bulge outwards, leaving remains of toxins behind in these protuberances of the intestinal wall, which can then attack the mucous membrane and cause inflammation. The most common is the fourth and last part of the large intestine (sigmoid colon, also called "sigmoid") affected, which usually leads to sudden pain in the left lower abdomen, which often radiates to the back. Also typical are fever, nausea and vomiting, urinary symptoms and altered bowel movement, which may mean constipation, diarrhea or slimy purulent stools.
In addition, women always have complaints of the fallopian tubes and ovaries. Also stuck urine or kidney stones may be responsible, as well as a urinary tract infection such as a bladder infection or pyelonephritis is possible. In some cases, this may not cause any symptoms, but in addition to unilateral or bilateral pain in the lower abdomen, it also causes burning on urination, increased urinary urgency, difficulty in keeping the urine or blood in the stool. If the kidneys are involved, fever usually occurs, in severe cases it can also lead to chills, severe flank pain and discomfort in the perineal and genital area, a general feeling of sickness and nausea and vomiting. Women have a significantly shorter urethra than men and are therefore more prone to urinary tract infections. Therefore, especially in women in case of left lower abdominal pain should always be carried out a urine test to detect possible bacteria on the track. These are the main cause of a urinary tract infection, often it is the intestinal bacterium Escherichia coli. Rarely, however, it can also happen that the causative agent of other infections in the body via the bloodstream in the urinary tract ("hematogenous infection") reach, also many other risk factors are known, for example, diabetes mellitus, a congenital malformation of the urinary tract or a bladder stone. In addition, inadequate drinking may favor a urinary tract infection, as well as incorrect hygiene behavior (cleaning after defecation "from back to front", frequent washing of the genital area with soap, etc.). In addition, pregnant women as well as sexually active women are at an increased risk due to the shorter urethra and the proximity of the urethral opening to the anus. Because this intestinal bacteria can reach the urethra faster, for example, by unprotected vaginal intercourse in direct connection to anal or oral sex.
Left-sided discomfort in the upper abdomen
If the pain on the left side of the upper abdomen, the spleen may be the trigger, because it is located near the stomach, above the left kidney. The clearest indication of splenic disease is an enlarged spleen (splenomegaly), which in most cases is a symptom of another disease (secondary spleen disease), e.g. an infectious disease (e.g., Pfeiffer glandular fever) or a blood disorder (e.g., leukemia or Hodgkin's disease). Rarely, however, can the spleen itself be affected, for example, in a splenic infarction or a splenic rupture. Also, an inflammation of the organ is possible, which can lead to massive stinging or drilling upper abdominal pain on the left side, also the splenic pain is often accompanied by vomiting blood, dizziness, diarrhea or stomach burning.
In addition, but also fixed kidney stones can cause severe pain that radiate into the left upper abdomen. The same applies to urinary tract infections such as a bladder infection or pyelitis, which often lead to flank pain, which can be felt up to the upper abdominal area, among other complaints such as burning pain during urination and pelvic pain. Likewise, the lung can be the cause. Because although this is embedded in the chest, diseases such as lung or pleurisy can cause discomfort that pull down into the upper abdomen. This is especially conceivable when other symptoms such as chest pain, cough, breathing problems or fever occur.
In relatively rare cases, a pancreatitis (pancreatitis) may be the trigger for the complaints. This can be both acute and chronic and thus sometimes very uncomfortable for the patient. The cause here is often in unnoticed gallstones or excessive alcohol consumption, but are also possible, inter alia, a hyperparathyroidism, certain drugs such. Beta-blockers, viral infections (e.g., Epstein-Barr virus) or genetic factors. Correspondingly, very different symptoms of pancreatitis are shown, but the focus is on acute inflammation suddenly occurring, extreme pain in the upper abdomen, which are often still noticeable in the back and chest area. In addition, depending on the cause, nausea and vomiting, flatulence or fever can occur. Even with the chronic form, the upper abdominal pain is the leading symptom, but here occur again and again and are often accompanied by a feeling of fullness after greasy food, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea and fat.
Also rarely, the complaints can also come from the heart. Possible here are, for example, coronary heart disease (CHD), which is characterized in particular by chest tightness (angina pectoris), shortness of breath and cardiac pain, which often also radiate into the arms (especially on the left), lower jaw, back or upper abdomen. In an emergency, pain in the left upper abdomen may also be an indication of a heart attack. This typically leads to shortness of breath, chest tightness and strong, radiating chest pain, in addition to the usually shows a strong facial pallor and cold sweats on the face and a strong feeling of weakness. Particularly in women, upper abdominal pain is particularly serious in this context, as these are a typical symptom of a female infarct, in addition to shortness of breath and back pain, while chest pain is the leading symptom in men.
Abdominal pain left after eating
Occur on the left side abdominal pain primarily during feeding and / or after, can usually be ruled out already urological or gynecological diseases. Instead, it is usually in this case to stomach problems, such as gastritis or gastritis, which occurs very frequently and can be both acute and chronic. In acute gastritis, the abdominal pain can occur very suddenly, for example, as a result of overdose of analgesics, massive alcohol consumption, excessive mental or physical stress or by food poisoning. In addition to the often unpleasant taste in the mouth, regurgitation and nausea, the symptoms typically increase during the meal. Chronic gastritis however, in addition to the abdominal pain expressed in part by symptoms such as flatulence, distended abdomen, loss of appetite and diarrhea. In most cases, it develops very slowly and with no obvious signs, so the disease often remains undetected at first. The chronic form can also have various causes: For example, the trigger of the so-called "type A" gastritis is a rare autoimmune disease, whereas in the very common "type B" is almost always an infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori the cause , In addition, there is the gastric mucosal inflammation of "type C", which is triggered by toxic or gastric mucous membrane attacking substances ("chemical-toxic gastritis"), such as permanently large amounts of alcohol or certain analgesics.
If the pain always occurs after eating certain foods or drinks, a food intolerance is conceivable. Possible here is, for example, a congenital or acquired intolerance to lactose (lactose), which can not be digested in affected persons as a result of the non-existent or only limited existing digestive enzyme lactase. This leads to the consumption of milk and milk products primarily to a bloated stomach, abdominal pain or cramping, diarrhea and nausea and vomiting, but also possible are non-specific symptoms such as chronic fatigue, moodiness, dizziness, inner restlessness, headache or sleep disorders. On the other hand, if left-sided abdominal pain always occurs after the consumption of fructose, fructose intolerance may also be present. This is rarely genetic, but in most cases develops through excessive consumption of fructose (for example, in fruit, honey, table sugar), stress or certain medications. In this "intestinal" (acquired) intolerance (also called "fructose malabsorption") is the body by the absence of a specific enzyme no longer able to absorb enough fructose from the intestine into the blood. As a result, the remaining sugar remains in the intestine and is later broken down in the large intestine with the help of bacteria, which can lead to complaints such as flatulence, diarrhea, upper abdominal pain, nausea and a flat stomach.
Also, a gluten allergy (celiac disease) is conceivable as a cause, a congenital autoimmune disease in which sufferers throughout their lives the "gluten protein" Gluten not tolerate, which occurs for example in wheat or rye. This incompatibility can lead to some "only" to diarrhea, but it can also lead to severe cases, with very strong diarrhea or fat, which often leads to deficiency symptoms and serious weight loss. In addition, intolerance to histamine may also be the trigger for left side stomach pain in the upper abdomen after eating or drinking, which may be present in a variety of foods such as, e.g. Soy products, chocolate, red wine, yeast, ham and tomatoes. This is usually an acquired condition in which histamine, which is ingested by a deficiency or absence of certain enzymes in the diet, can no longer be adequately degraded. This leads to the consumption of histamine-containing foods allergy-like reactions ("pseudoallergy") such as itching, rash or swelling of the eyes. However, there are also indigestion, upper abdominal pain and diarrhea, also possible effects on the cardiovascular system in the form of headache, palpitations, or circulatory weakness. Some of the complaints occur directly after eating or drinking, but in other cases, it can take hours before the first signs become noticeable.
Abdominal pain left next to belly button
In many cases, abdominal pain occurs in the area of the belly button during pregnancy, which can be felt both on the left and on the right side, but also in a circle around the navel. In most cases, these complaints are caused by the growing and heavier child, which puts more and more pressure on the woman's abdominal wall. As a result, not only the abdomen becomes rounder, but also the navel is pushed forward, whereby the navel often "passes" or emerges. This phenomenon is in most cases no risk to the health of the mother and / or child at all, but it is different if a bump forms in the umbilical region in parallel. In this case, it may be a so-called "umbilical hernia", which means the protuberance of tissue ("fractured sac") through a gap in the abdominal wall ("hernia") (medical: "umbilical hernia"). This affects relatively many pregnant women and arises from the fact that not only the abdominal wall is increasingly stretched in the course of pregnancy, but also the abdominal muscles diverge. In most cases, an umbilical hernia runs without pain, which means that it is often not noticed at all, recognizable here is only the typical small "bump" in the navel area. However, if it comes to navel pain and / or bluish-red discoloration of the fracture and to fever, nausea or constipation, this indicates trapped tissue in the Bruchpforte out. In this case, those affected should seek medical attention immediately, otherwise there is a risk that the affected intestinal tracts may no longer be properly supplied with blood and may even die as a result. This in turn increases the risk of dangerous sequelae such as sepsis, so a pinched umbilical hernia must always be operated on immediately.
Most interventions are carried out under general anesthesia, with smaller fractures but often also a local anesthesia, sometimes even an outpatient procedure. Since a "normal" umbilical hernia does not heal itself in adults, surgery is also usually performed in this case so as not to pose a health risk and to relieve the symptoms.
Treatment for left-sided abdominal pain
The treatment of left-sided abdominal discomfort occurs as a function of the cause and accordingly in many different ways. If, for example, a disease of the large intestine (diverticulitis) could be diagnosed, patients usually receive antibiotics in the case of easier courses. In severe or chronic cases, however, an operative procedure is usually carried out in which the inflamed intestinal components are removed and the healthy ends are reassembled. The advantage here is that during the operation of the intestine can also be studied far more extensive, so that possible further Aussackungen can be detected early.
In the case of acute pancreatitis, there is usually an immediate hospital treatment as there is always a risk that it will be severe and life-threatening. Accordingly, a very severe or complicated course even monitoring in an intensive care unit is needed. Here, the patient receives painkiller and fluid, and in severe cases, food must first be dispensed with. In the case of chronic pancreatitis, the focus of therapy is the consistent renunciation of alcohol and a comprehensive diet change. In addition, in order to prevent further thrusts, all possible triggers should be counteracted as much as possible by e.g. a hyperparathyroidism or a gallstone disease treated accordingly or discontinued harmful drugs.
On the other hand, if the pain on the left side is based on a urinary tract infection, treatment will be based on the type and cause of the infection. If this is caused by bacteria, the administration of an antibiotic is usually sufficient - but only on the condition that there are no other risk factors for secondary infections (such as bladder stones or diabetes mellitus). If this is the case, usually further treatment steps are necessary to avoid a chronic course.
Naturopathy with left-sided abdominal problems
If serious causes for the discomfort on the left side of the abdomen could be medically excluded, in many cases the field of naturopathy can provide a gentle but effective therapeutic support or alternative. Since most people's stomach problems are closely linked to their lifestyle, it is often difficult to deal with their own habits with regard to nutrition, exercise, dealing with stress and so on. In the next step, the knowledge gained should then be implemented by e.g. In general, attention is paid to a fiber-rich and low-fat diet, as well as hasty "slinging" and eating after 20 o'clock is largely dispensed with. In this context, care should generally be taken to reduce obesity and to integrate regular exercise into everyday life. Frequently sufferers also suffer from acidosis (acidosis) of the stomach, which manifests itself not only through stomach pain, but also through nausea, tongue coating, pale skin, heartburn, belching and / or a distended belly.
In this case, nicotine and certain foods such as alcohol, coffee or sugary drinks should be avoided in addition to the measures already described, and there are several methods that can help to reconcile the acid-base balance. Accordingly, on the daily diet, predominantly basic foods such as e.g. Potatoes, vegetables, fruits, whey and dried fruits (raisins, figs, etc.) are available. So-called "acid generator", such as Sugar, sweets, light bread, pasta, meat or sausage should, however, be largely avoided during Basenfastens to allow the body to deacidify and detoxify. Supportive measures such as massages, hot baths or light physical training are also suitable for penetrating the deeper skin layers and getting the acids out of the tissue. Here, for example, a herbal stamp massage comes into consideration, which is carried out with small Stoffbeutelchen ("herbal stamp"), which are filled with healing fruits, herbs or spices (such as lemon peel, ginger, turmeric or rosemary) and previously heated in steam or hot herbal oil.
Since stomach problems are closely related to negative stress in many people, it is also important to take a critical look at the personal situation or current stress levels. If the symptoms occur acutely (eg before a test), in many cases heat (herbal tea, hot water bottle, grain pillow, etc.) is very beneficial, and a variety of other home remedies for stomach aches, such as honey, ginger tea or sea buckthorn or caraway oil , Vinegar wraps have proven useful, for which a towel is dipped in hot water and vinegar (one tablespoon of vinegar per liter of water) and then placed on the stomach for 15-20 minutes.

If the symptoms occur chronically or repeatedly in stressful situations, stress reduction should also be given special significance. In this context, various procedures and exercises such as yoga, progressive muscle relaxation, meditation or autogenic training, which can provide for inner restlessness for more relaxation. In some cases, psychotherapy is also recommended, in which sufferers can work on underlying problems, fears and unconscious conflicts and thus learn how to deal with stress "in a healthy way". (No)