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Homeopathy in Russia rated as a pseudoscience

Russian Academy of Sciences classifies homeopathy as a pseudoscienceThe Russian Academy of Sciences (RAW) has classified homeopathy as a pseudoscience....

Homeopathy in the GDR

Exhibition on the topic: Homeopathy in the former GDR 28.10.2011 A new exhibition shows the situation of the GDR health...

Homeopathy in the doctor's office

Homeopathy in the doctor's office - An introductory event at the German Homeopathy Congress 2012 in Freiburg 30.03.2012 Doctors who...

Homeopathy in the pharmacy

More and more pharmacies in Germany offer homeopathy A study by the Gesellschaft für Konsumgüterforschung (GfK) has highlighted the situation...

Homeopathy during menopause

Homeopathy as an aid in menopausal complaints 08/10/2014 With the menopause begins for the woman a new phase of life....

Homeopathy in Belgium significantly restricted

Homeopathy in Belgium will be significantly reduced in the future06/04/2014 On May 12, 2014, a Royal Decree was published in...

Homeopathy increasingly popular

Unfrage shows that homeopathy is becoming increasingly popular29/10/2014 The number of users of homeopathic medicines continues to increase. This was...

Homeopathy in Panic Film Contagion

Panic Cinema: the epidemic Contagion and homeopathy as an enemy 11/25/2011 Disaster Cinema with top-class star ensemble: Steven Soderberghs (director...

Homeopathy in the children's hospital Landshut

Homeopathy at the Children's Hospital St. Marien in Landshut: Techniker Krankenkasse bears costs 02/04/2012 From 1 May 2012, the Techniker...