Homeopathy in the children's hospital Landshut

Homeopathy in the children's hospital Landshut / Health News

Homeopathy at the Children's Hospital St. Marien in Landshut: Techniker Krankenkasse bears costs


From 1 May 2012, the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) will cover the costs of inpatient homeopathy treatment at the Landshut Children's Hospital St. Marien for its legally insured persons. The health fund had already announced a few months ago, to take over medically prescribed naturopathy and homeopathy therapies. The treatments of state-approved non-medical practitioners, however, is still non-recoverable.

The hospital is after a contract for integrated care § 140 ff Social Code (SGB) V with the management company of the German Central Association of Homeopathic Doctors (DZVhÄ) and TK joined. Since 2007, TK has been reimbursed under the terms of the contract
Integrated care, the cost of outpatient homeopathic treatment in contracted physicians, and since January 2012, the cost of their insured for homeopathic medicines.

For around eight years, children admitted to hospital in the Landshut Children's Hospital can be treated homeopathically. The clinic has had such good experiences that it now offers its homeopathy offer with the integrated care contract
further expands. (Pm)