Homeopathy globules work better than placebo?

Homeopathy globules work better than placebo? / Health News

Study shows that effectiveness of homeopathic globules is no better than placebo


While those who idolize a homeopathy, the others refer to the healing process as charlatanry. An Australian research team has evaluated the effectiveness of the globules in an evaluation of investigations. Her conclusion: homeopathy is no better than placebo.

Homeopathy is no better than a placebo for headache and other ailments
According to the analysis, there is no scientific evidence that globules work better than sham medicines. The study, published by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia (NHMRC), involved more than 1,800 studies. Of these, however, only 225 met the scientific criteria of the researchers. All of these studies could not provide any scientifically recognized proof of the efficacy of homeopathy. The globules also did not fare better compared to sham medicines. The studies that found homeopathy to be more effective than placebo were of poor scientific quality. For example, the number of participants was too low.

„Homeopathy should not be used in chronic or serious conditions“, the NHMRC writes in a message. „Those who choose homeopathy always put their health at risk if they refuse or delay effective and safe treatment. People considering using homeopathy should first seek advice from a trained health practitioner and, in the meantime, maintain prescribed regimens. "

NHMRC warns against homeopathy in severe diseases
According to the NHMRC, homeopathy works better in asthma, anxiety and stress, diarrhea in children, headaches, migraines and colds than a dummy treatment.

„There will be many people who reject our report and consider everything to be an establishment conspiracy“, cited „tagesspiegel.de“ Chairman of the NHMRC Homeopathy Working Group, Paul Glasziou. „But we hope that a lot of reasonable people are now considering whether they want to resell, take or promote these substances.“

The Association of Australian Homeopaths recently demanded in a statement to respect the will of patients. Homeopathy very very common. In Europe alone, more than 30 million people would use the healing process. In India, even more than 100 million could be treated exclusively homeopathically. It is not the individual disease, but the whole person in focus.