Homeopathy opponents want to take overdose

Homeopathy opponents want to take overdose / Health News

Opponents of homeopathy want to publicly take an overdose of homeopathic remedies


Opponents of homeopathy call for „Mass overdose“ from homeopathic remedies in Germany and Austria. At rallies in Essen, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, Berlin, Munich and Vienna, the critics want to take together heaps of homeopathy remedies to prevent inactivity „to prove“.

Already in the beginning of 2010 the campaign was initiated „10.23 Homeopathy- There´s nothing in it“ a rally in London, in which the opponents of homeopathy consumed tons of homeopathic remedies. The self-proclaimed skeptics refer to homeopathy as „unscientific“ and „absurd pseudoscience“. Now this kind of mockery should also be imported to Germany and Austria. The main argument of the opponents is that so-called globules contain no active ingredients, but only solvents. These in turn, according to scientific standards, show no negative but no positive effects on the human organism. The campaign also plans to carry out similar campaigns worldwide. Following Germany's visit, countries like Canada, Singapore, Hungary, Belgium or even Australia are to follow. So said Amardeo Sarma, chairman of the Society for the Scientific Investigation of Paras Sciences (GWUP): „Most people do not know that homeopathy is not a plant or natural medicine“. In his opinion, even homeopaths admit that the remedies usually contain sugar, water or alcohol.

These arguments contradict the German Central Association of Homeopathic Doctors (DZVhÄ). As a spokesman for the Medical Association said: „Homeopaths claim that high potencies produce a substance-specific effect; they do not claim that it is a pharmacological effect. A pharmacological effect can be considered when a substance causes a measurable change (i.e., statistically detectable) in an organism. A pharmacological effect is dose-dependent and can be described in a dose-response curve. "

The goal of homeopathic proving with high potency is the stimulation of reactions of the organism. These reactions can be clearly distinguished from pharmacological effects; they are strongly individualized and often opposed to the pharmacological effects of the respective substance. Only the analysis of a group of examiners results in a specific pattern. It has been proven that reactions do not occur at all (Möllinger et al., A Double-Blind, Randomized, Homeopathic Pathogenetic Trial with Healthy Persons: Comparing Two High Potencies.) Research Complementary Medicine: Klass Naturopathy 2004; 11: 274-280 ). (Sb)

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