Homeopathy Researchers detect nanoparticles

Homeopathy Researchers detect nanoparticles / Health News

Homeopathy: Researchers detect nanoparticles

Indian researchers have published findings, according to which in homeopathy remedies with high potencies such as C6, C30 and C200 nanoparticles were still detectable.

Researchers led by Jayesh Ramesh Bellare and Shantaram Govind Kane of the Indian Institute of Technology's Department of Chemical Engineering in Bombay studied six homeopathic remedies including Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), the nature and extent of the materials, and published their results in October 2010 the trade magazine „Homeopathy“ (formerly British Homeopathic Journal). According to the researchers, it should come from the potency level C6 yet to detectable nanoparticles, with an almost uniform size of 80 to 4000 picograms per milliliter. Noteworthy: This would mean that there was no further dilution after the C6 potency. The homeopathic remedies analyzed included copper, tin, gold, platinum, silver and zinc.

Based on their findings, the Indian experts developed various theories, including the „nanobubbles“. They hypothesize that shaking with a cavitation effect of the remedies in homeopathy could play an important role in terms of the sustained concentration of nanoparticles in high potencies.

In the blog of the German Central Association of Homeopathic Doctors (DZVhÄ), editor-in-chief Claus Fritzsche refers to the hormesis effect as a possible explanation for a pharmacological effect of homeopathic remedies. This refers to the effect that in substances that are otherwise toxic in the human organism, in smaller quantities they tend to have a positive effect on stimulating or stimulating it. Hormesis means in Greek: impulse or suggestion. Further postgraduate studies should now reproduce the study results of the Indian researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology and further clarify whether these detected particles can have an effect. (tf, 28.01.2011)