Homeopathy in the doctor's office

Homeopathy in the doctor's office / Health News

Homeopathy in the doctor's office - An introductory event at the German Homeopathy Congress 2012 in Freiburg


Doctors who have not completed any further training in homeopathy but are interested in the subject can visit Freiburg on 17 May during the homeopathy congress of the German Central Association of Homeopathic Doctors (DZVhÄ) between 2:30 and 6 pm gain first insights. The motto of the congress is: homeopathy is individual medicine. To look - to perceive - to recognize. Four topics are on the agenda: Wolf Bergmann talks about the basics of homeopathy; Dr. Rose-Marie Krizantis gives an insight into homeopathy in general practice; Dr. Margit Speckmaier-Prokop and dr. Andrea Weninger presents the subject of homeopathy in paediatrics and the topic of Dr. med. Stefan Wildfang is homeopathy in pain and palliative medicine. In addition, contact persons are available to answer questions about the framework conditions of homeopathy in the healthcare system.

The German Homeopathy Congress - it is the 162th Annual Meeting of the DZVhÄ - takes place from 17.-19. May at the Konzerthaus Freiburg (Konrad-Adenauer-Platz 1, 79098 Freiburg). All information on topics, speakers and registration can be found at www.homoeopathie-kongress.de. (Pm)