Homeopathy in the GDR

Homeopathy in the GDR / Health News

Exhibition on the topic: Homeopathy in the former GDR


A new exhibition shows the situation of the GDR health care system and the individual examination of homeopathy on the basis of individual people. „From initial non-binding talks crystallized more and more that this topic was an almost forgotten aspect in the historical and individual confrontation with the GDR. It began the search for contemporary witnesses, sources and documents that could shed light on this little special point of dealing with the GDR history“, Library Director Sabine Radtke describes the initial idea for the exhibition.

Homeopathy was not officially banned in the GDR. But it did not correspond to the materialistic view of the world and was therefore not accepted as an independent form of therapy, let alone encouraged. Due to the lack of education of new blood within the medical profession, homeopathy was almost forgotten. Until the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961, only about 60 homeopathic doctors were still active, who were corresponding members of the DZVhÄ and could attend the annual meetings. This lively exchange was ended with the building of the wall, in the GDR, the homeopathic doctors did not organize. Favored by the availability
of homeopathic medicines and advice in pharmacies, homeopathy in the population was still known. Today, 20 years after the fall of the GDR, around 600 doctors from the eastern states and Berlin are members of the DZVhÄ.

The entire story tells the exhibition from 12 November 2011 to 10 November 2012 in the European Library of Homeopathy (EBH), Wallstraße 48, 06366 Köthen. Opening hours: Tuesday-Friday, 10.00-16.00, every 1st weekend of the month additionally from 10.00-16.00 and by appointment. (Pm)

Picture: Clam