Health News - Page 46

Dental disease and the cardiovascular system

Tooth space study: Evidence of effects of dental disease on the cardiovascular system evidenced. In a Swedish study, a correlation...

Tooth inflammations Dangerous to the heart

Periodontitis can be dangerous for the heart 07/10/2014 Around twelve million people in Germany are struggling with periodontitis. The result...

Toothpaste test Toothpastes for 65 cents were better than one for 100 euros

Stiftung Warentest tests 32 toothpastes: Cheap often very goodThe consumer advocates of Stiftung Warentest have examined a total of 32...

Toothpaste at Öko-Test Cheap toothpaste often better than branded toothpaste

Good toothpaste does not have to be expensiveDaily brushing is the most effective protection against tooth decay and periodontal disease...

Dental Treatments Almost every third person has no bonus book

Give away money when dentures: Almost every third person has no bonus book. The health insurance DAK advises: To secure...

Dentist appointments do not endanger dental treatments

In the opinion of health insurance dentist treatments are not endangered. The doctors are obliged to refuse patients. Dental treatments...

Zahnarztpfusch Thousands of patients to the HIV test

Thousands of patients of a US dentist have to go to the HIV test 31/03/2013 A US dentist infected patients...

Dentist pulled teeth without present indicators?

A Hamburg dentist pulled teeth to enrich themselves financially? 11.03.2011 According to reports of the investigating authorities, a Hamburg dentist...

Dentist withdrew 11 teeth without consent

Dentist in the provincial court: Teeth pulled without medical necessity? 04/30/2013 Next Thursday, a dentist has to answer to the...