Toothpaste at Öko-Test Cheap toothpaste often better than branded toothpaste

Daily brushing is the most effective protection against tooth decay and periodontal disease and therefore essential for good dental health. At least twice a day should be cleaned, in addition to the right toothbrush and the toothpaste is of great importance. But the choice of colorful tubes is large, so that the decision for a product is often difficult. The consumer magazine "Öko-Test" has examined several dozen pastes and examined how they are suitable for daily oral hygiene. The surprising result: Many low-priced products from the discounters received a "very good", while branded creams were sometimes even classified as "insufficient".
Many creams are not recommended
Every day we use toothpaste and assume that it ensures the cleanness and health of our teeth. But do the products keep what they promise? The consumer magazine "Öko-Test" has now examined 38 universal tooth creams with regard to their effect on caries protection and possible harmful ingredients. The result makes it clear that quite considerable deviations in quality occur between the various products. By no means every toothpaste consumers can confidently entrust their dental health.

38 toothpastes tested
For their research, the testers "bought 38 universal toothpastes in supermarkets and drugstores, including seven certified natural cosmetic products," reports "Öko-Test". Already at the price there were considerable differences between the products. For example, the most expensive product cost € 6.95 per 100 milliliters, the cheapest, however, only 36 cents per 100 milliliters. For caries protection is particularly important, according to the tester, especially the fluoride contained in the toothpastes. This was therefore a relevant evaluation criterion.
Checking the ingredients
Also, the products need to foam sufficiently to allow good tooth cleaning, but should not contain foaming sodium lauryl sulfate that can irritate the mucous membranes, according to the announcement of "Eco-Test". In addition, the testers looked for questionable ingredients such as parabens as preservatives or PEG / PEG derivatives, which can make the skin more permeable to foreign substances. In addition, they had laboratory tests to determine how much aluminum and zinc were contained in the products.
Fluoride the best caries protection?
If a toothpaste does not contain fluoride, this is equivalent to a waiver of the important caries protection, which is why the testers devalue this more than single questionable or controversial ingredients, reports "eco-test". To prevent the dental disease by hygiene, there is currently no better drug than fluoride. Although fluoride in high doses can also lead to health problems, such as in children to a fluorosis. But "adults who brush their teeth twice a day do not have to worry about too much fluoride," explains the consumer magazine. Children should not use fluoride toothpaste or only use it in very small amounts.
19 toothpastes "very good", 13 products "poor" or "insufficient"
Overall, the test field was split according to "eco-test". Thus, half of the toothpastes were rated "very good", "including two certified natural cosmetic products and a large part of the very cheap products in the test." However, on the other hand, 13 toothpastes were given an "insufficient" or "poor" rating. For example, fluoride has been dispensed with by two conventional and five certified natural cosmetic products, which is why they have been devalued accordingly. The alternatives used are not convincing, so "eco-test".
Questionable caries protection in the absence of fluoride
According to the testers, almost all examined natural cosmetic toothpastes contained xylitol instead of fluoride. A sweetener to which a caries prophylactic effect is attributed. But so far "are no useful studies (before), which show that a xylitol-containing toothpaste without fluoride actually prevents tooth decay similarly effective as fluoride-containing pastes," warns "eco-test".
The expensive Dr. Wolff's Biorepair Toothpaste has been based on artificial enamel of zinc carbonate hydroxyapatite, which should close microscopically small tooth defects. An active principle, which is also not sufficiently documented by studies that it prevents tooth decay comparably well as fluoride. In addition, in the expensive branded toothpaste the preservative Propylparaben contained, which is said to have a hormone-like effect.
Surfactant irritates the mucous membranes
Toothpaste foam is important to make it easier to remove food scraps and plaque, but unfortunately twelve pastes use sodium lauryl sulphate, reports "Öko-Test". This is "an aggressive surfactant that can irritate the sensitive mucous membranes." Toothpastes containing sodium lauryl sulfate were therefore devalued by the investigators.
Toothpaste with zinc unsuitable for children
Even zinc-containing products received deductions in the rating if they were not declared "unsuitable for children". Although zinc is important for health, children and young people already use the recommended amount of food. Therefore, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) recommends to point out that they are not suitable for children with zinc-containing dental care products, reports "Öko-Test".
Type of fluoride does not matter
In the end, especially the fluoride content of toothpaste is crucial for caries protection in adults, and it does not matter what kind of fluoride is in the toothpaste, Dr. Jürgen Fedderwitz, practicing dentist and Deputy Chairman of the Dentistry Association (KZBV). "Whether sodium fluoride, amine fluoride or sodium monofluorophosphate - for consumers it is not crucial. It is more important to use a fluoride toothpaste that you like, because that's the only way to clean it long enough, "the expert from" Öko-Test "quotes.
Targeted waiver of fluoride?
However, for example, Laverana, in a statement to the consumer magazine, points out that fluoride-free dental care products are also being offered, as "there are sufficient studies, especially in the field of alternative treatments, that address the interplay of fluorides and enzymatic influences that can lead to autoimmune reactions or classify fluorides as toxic. "(fp, nr)