Dental Treatments Almost every third person has no bonus book

Give away money when dentures: Almost every third person has no bonus book. The health insurance DAK advises: To secure the end of the dentist's mark / No shortage of supplies for replacement funds.
Almost every third treatment and cost plan for dental treatment is submitted to the DAK without bonus book. In the process, lucrative subsidies are lost for the dentists. „With a complete guided bonus booklet can save a lot of money.“, says DAK tooth expert Ute Salge-Krause and emphasizes: „Insured persons can thus increase their respective fixed subsidy by up to 30 percent.“ Therefore: If you do not have a stamp in your dentist bonus booklet for 2010, you should definitely make up for it and quickly arrange an appointment for a check-up.
No delays of appointments with dentists
A supply shortage, which was recently reported in the press, does not exist at the DAK. „Our insured persons can continue to rely on good care and will receive a pension appointment later this year“, says Ute Salge-Krause. Several daily newspapers reported that dental treatment would be postponed to next year due to the depleted budget. The budgets of many statutory health insurance funds would be used up, according to the Federal Association of Dentists. The health insurance companies contradict this. They are not aware that dentists would delay the appointments to the coming year. Only in one case would an insured person complain. In addition, such a practice was unlawful, since the physicians are obliged to treat patients.
Bonus booklet brings cash - that's how it works
The bonus booklet is evidence of the annual check-up at the dentist. „Anyone who regularly attended the check-up during the last five calendar years prior to the start of treatment will increase the fixed subsidy for crowns, bridges and prostheses by 20 percent“, explains the DAK expert. „For insured persons who have been with the dentist regularly over the last ten calendar years, the fixed subsidy even increases to 30 percent. The year in which the treatment is performed, however, does not count.“
Half-yearly provision under 17 years
Children and adolescents between the ages of six and 17, as opposed to adults, have to have their teeth examined once every six months to receive the bonus. The check-up is free. „The ten euros practice fee will be due only when the dentist joins a treatment“, so Ute Salge-Krause of the DAK. (pm, sb, 04.11.2010)
Also read:
Dentist appointments: Dental treatments are not endangered
Photo: DAK / racket