Alternative medicine and methods of treatment of diseases.
Useful information about the natural treatment of diseases. Alternative medicine.
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Apple peels promote muscle growth
Apple peel improves muscle growth and prevents muscle breakdown 10/06/2011 With apple peels against muscle atrophy? US researchers have found...
Apple juice
Apple juice is one of the most popular drinks in Germany, and often also consumed as a mixture with mineral...
Apple juice helpful in Alzheimer's
Apple juice helps with mood swings in the course of Alzheimer's disease. (16.06.2010) According to a study by the University...
Apple cider vinegar - use and effect
Apple cider vinegar enjoys a high popularity, not only as a salad, but also as a healthy home remedy, both...
Raspberry Aronia Sweet-tart fruit with many health benefits
The chokeberry Aronia: Tart fruit with high health value The oregano - better known under the botanical name Aronia -...
An apple can score with many healthy ingredients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin B6, vitamin B12,...
Apple allergen can cure apple allergy
Apple allergen reduces symptoms of apple allergy Many people who suffer from hay fever often add food allergy. For example,...
Consult aortic valve replacement cardiac surgeon first
In case of an aortic valve replacement, consult the cardiac surgeon beforehand 12/19/2011 In aortic valve replacement with the aid...
aortic aneurysm
Aneurysm of the main stroke The aortic aneurysm is a recess in the wall of the main artery (aorta), which...
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