Apple peels promote muscle growth

Apple peel improves muscle growth and prevents muscle breakdown
With apple peels against muscle atrophy? US researchers have found in a study with mice that the oleic acid contained in apple peel has an advantageous effect on muscle growth. If the results can be transferred to humans, it may be possible to develop therapy to prevent and treat so-called muscular atrophy (neuromuscular diseases, often accompanied by muscle atrophy) using ursolic acid.
Apple peel, according to the current study of American researchers promote muscle growth. In animal experiments, the team led by Christopher Adams of the University of Iowa could prove that the substance contained in apple peel ursolic acid promotes muscle growth. The consumption of apples could thus possibly counteract the age or disease-related muscle wasting, the US scientists report in the latest issue of the journal „Cell metabolism“.
Substance in apple peel promotes muscle growth
In search of the causes of muscular atrophy associated with muscular atrophy, US scientists have identified 29 genes that have a significant impact on the breakdown of muscle tissue. In addition, Christopher Adams and colleagues found an association between muscle growth and ursolic acid contained in apple peels in examining the effects of over 1,300 different substances on muscle growth. In animal experiments, the researchers found that the ursolic acid on the one hand reduces muscle breakdown and on the other hand favors muscle growth. In addition, other beneficial effects of ursolic acid have been shown to be a reduction in body fat and a lowering of blood sugar and lipid levels, report Christopher Adams and colleagues.
Ursolic acid offers many health benefits
Ursolic acid, which is crucial for muscle growth, is not only present in the waxy outer layer of apple shades, but also in catnip, basil and various rose plants, for example. The positive health properties of ursolic acid have been studied in the past, but the focus was rather on the anti-inflammatory effect and a possible use as a cancer drug. However, the US scientists have now discovered for the first time a positive effects of the natural drug on the growth of muscle cells. Ursulic acid has been successfully used in mice in animal studies for muscle wasting, report Christopher Adams and colleagues. The substance contained in apple peel positively affects also the activity of numerous genes in the muscle cells, whereby the degradation of muscle tissue is reduced and the muscle building strengthened.
Also help apple peels in human muscle building?
So far, however, it is unclear whether the ursolic acid also has equally positive effects on the musculature in humans, as in the examined mice. Therefore, in another study, Christopher Adams and colleagues want to analyze the effect of ursolic acid on human muscle growth. Should the beneficial properties of ursolic acid also be confirmed in the human organism, this would be, according to the US researchers a breakthrough success. Because muscle atrophy is a very common disease in the „most people at some point in their lives“ To suffer, „but there is still no drug against it“, explained Christopher Adams. For those affected, it would therefore be extremely gratifying if the often occurring as a concomitant of other diseases or old age muscle wasting could be avoided in the future, so the conclusion of the US scientists. (Fp)
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Image: Carolin Daum