Apple trick for faster ripening of too firm avocados

Apple trick for faster ripening of too firm avocados / Health News
Expert Tip: Wrap solid avocados together with apple in paper
A few years ago, many Germans knew avocados only from holidays in distant countries. But today, the popular fruits are also found in almost every German supermarket. Most of them are still very hard to buy. With a little trick, the tire can be accelerated.

Delicious and healthy fruits
Avocados have been growing in popularity for a long time. The high-fat fruit is used pure on the bread, as a main ingredient for guacamole or in smoothie. Fresh avocados are not only delicious but also very healthy. In addition to the healthy vegetable fats, the fruit contains numerous vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. According to research, avocados can help lower cholesterol and are good for blood formation. Canadian researchers recently even tested the use of avocado fruit lipid - avocatin B - in the treatment of blood cancer.

The contained vitamins, minerals and secondary plant substances of the avocados are said to have many positive health properties. (Image: nata_vkusidey /

Tires can be accelerated easily
Above all, avocados are bought for the sake of taste. In Germany, however, they are usually not ripe when they land on the supermarket shelves. If the fruit is to be used quickly, there is a simple trick that can speed up the tire. The avocado is wrapped in paper together with an apple and then stored at room temperature. This tip can be found in the magazine "Food & Drink" (November 2015 issue). Apples emit the mature gas ethylene. This also influences the development of other fruits. The paper enhances this effect on the avocado. Other fruits also release a ripening gas. Therefore, for example, tomatoes should not be stored too close to other fruits and vegetables so that it does not ripen too quickly. (Ad)