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Aortic Rupture Dangerous aneurysm often goes unnoticed

Physicians warn about the life-threatening risks of an aortic tear 01/11/2011 Arteries extensions (aneurysms) are known in the art as...


The AOK (General local health insurance) is a statutory health insurance, with several self-employed health insurance companies are combined under...

AOK additional contribution to all health insurances

AOK boss: All health insurance companies will collect additional contributions 18/11/2014 The contribution relief from the statutory health insurance will...

AOK additional contribution 2011 excluded

The AOK Baden-Wuerttemberg does not want to raise additional contributions in the coming year. The general local health insurance AOK...

AOK wants to spend reserves for structural reforms

AOK: Instead of paying out the surpluses to the insured, invest in structural reforms 09/09/2012 The association of the general...

AOK does not want to make additional contributions

AOK Nordost and Saxony-Anhalt do not want to raise additional fees until the end of 2012 28/09/2011 The Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse...

AOK warning of new clinics without added value

AOK report warns of new clinics without added value02/21/2015 Patients suffering from cancer can be lucky and reach a high-standard...

AOK warning Avoid too much sugar

Expert calls for better protection against sugar for childrenSugar is a very unhealthy food that is used as an ingredient...

AOK does not send any organ donation cards

Because of the organ donation scandal the AOK health insurance companies stop the dispatch of information material 10/09/2012 Due to...