AOK additional contribution 2011 excluded

AOK additional contribution 2011 excluded / Health News

The AOK Baden-Wuerttemberg does not want to raise additional contributions in the coming year.

The general local health insurance AOK Baden-Württemberg will demand in 2011 no additional contribution from their insured. According to their own information, the health insurance company was able to gain new members and thus achieved financial stability. Thus, an additional contribution for the coming year can already be ruled out.

It wants to pass on the good economic situation now also to the insured, explained the chairman of the board of directors. Rolf Hoberg at an event in Heidenheim. An economic stability could be achieved by new members. The AOK Baden-Württemberg currently insures around 3.7 million people and pays around 11 billion euros per year in health and long-term care insurance.

In the health insurance itself additional contributions are frowned upon. Experience has shown that such additional contributions animate insured to change. The AOK is expected by the „wishing to switch“ have profited greatly. In addition to the AOK Baden-Württemberg, the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) also excludes an additional contribution for 2011. From the turn of the year, the statutory health insurance companies can determine the amount of the additional contributions themselves as part of the healthcare reform. (sb, 27.11.2010)

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