aortic aneurysm
Aneurysm of the main stroke
The aortic aneurysm is a recess in the wall of the main artery (aorta), which may be responsible for back pain.
Symptoms, complaints
Aneurysm verum, aneurysm dissecans, aneurysm spurium, aortic outbreak.
An aortic aneurysm requires immediate emergency medical care. (Picture credits: berggeist /
In addition to a normal signs of aging such as a loss of elasticity of the vessel walls or a general connective tissue weakness, vascular calcifications, high blood pressure or inflammation of the vessel walls may favor an aneurysm, or are considered as risk factors.
Symptoms, complaints
Often an aortic aneurysm is inconspicuous and asymptomatic. When symptoms appear, they depend on the location of the aortic outgrowth. Amongst other things, chest pain can cause chest and thoracic pain, difficulty breathing, coughing, hoarseness and difficulty swallowing. Generally, the larger an aortic aneurysm is, the more likely it is to burst (rupture), and thus a life-threatening circulatory shock. (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy)
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