Alternative medicine and methods of treatment of diseases.
Useful information about the natural treatment of diseases. Alternative medicine.
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Arge has to pay at Hartz IV PKV contributions
Again and again trouble for the assumption of private health insurance: Another court condemned the responsible employment agency to take...
Work travel by public transport or bicycle lowers our weight
Active commute makes us lose weight and additionally lowers our BMIMany people today weigh too much on weight. Those affected...
Accidents at work Mostly carelessness is the cause
Slipped because you looked down the stairs on a smartphone or fallen from the shaky chair when something should be...
Incapacity to work entitled to sickness benefit
In the event of incapacity for work sickness benefit 01/18/2014 Unfortunately, not every illness is over after a few days...
Incapacity calls the health insurance company
Incapacity for work: calls from the health insurance fund prohibited07/07/2014 Not only that you are in pain, feeling dull and...
accident at work
Accidents at work continue to be relatively widespread in Germany despite the comprehensive security measures. However, falls and other injuries...
work stress
Work stress arises from too high performance pressure at work in connection with too little opportunities for recovery. If the...
Work stress Short breaks more effective
Often take a break: several short breaks are more useful. (29.06.2010) Breaks have a bad reputation in Germany. A misinterpreted...
Occupational safety Right to more rest breaks
Health insurance companies demand more health protection in companies 09/07/2014 Workers in Germany are exposed to more and more stress...
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