Work stress Short breaks more effective

Work stress Short breaks more effective / Health News

Often take a break: several short breaks are more useful.

(29.06.2010) Breaks have a bad reputation in Germany. A misinterpreted work ethic that does not necessarily ensure an effective day-to-day work. The work and organization psychologist Prof. Rainer Wieland of the University of Wuppertal explained this in an interview. His advice: breaks reduce the stress level and make the work more effective.

A successful concept in everyday working life is often a break. The simple yet effective concept protects workers from excessive stress and protects their health. Also for employers the breaks of the coworkers are valuable. The employees thus gain new energy and make the work meaningful. Many people believe they have to turn the break into a "business lunch" and continue working during the break. But the recreational factor is low at such a lunch.

Breaks have a bad reputation in Germany, according to Prof. Rainer Wieland from the West German University of Wuppertal. In contrast, employees are courted when they think they do not need a break. But a break encourages the employees to new activities, protects the health and reduces the stress. Employees are then much more capable, emphasizes Prof. Wieland.

Important is the design of the breaks. Thus, the psychologist Wieland proposes to perform smaller yoga exercises or autogenic training for relaxation. A little "doze" to replenish the energy is an adequate remedy. "That does not have to be a half-hour nap, but that's enough for five to ten minutes," as Heike Schambortski of the Professional Association for Health Services and Welfare explains in Hamburg. Short walks once deep air breathing in park can provide a recreational factor. It is also important to leave the workplace once to get another idea.

By the way, breaks are anchored in the Working Hours Act. The employees' working hours can not be longer than six hours without a break. If the working time lasts longer than six to nine hours, workers must be given a break of at least 30 minutes. However, the employer may divide the breaks into several breaks of 15 minutes. (Sb)