Occupational safety Right to more rest breaks

Occupational safety Right to more rest breaks / Health News

Health insurance companies demand more health protection in companies


Workers in Germany are exposed to more and more stress not only during regular working hours but also after work. The bosses of several health insurance companies give the employers a complicity in the increase of burnout and depression diseases. They demand more health protection in companies and a right to rest.

The border between work and leisure disappears
Increasing working hours, more demanded work, fear of losing jobs: reasons that can lead to burnout or depression due to the job, there are enough. In addition, in recent years many employees have had the problem that the line between work and free time is becoming more and more blurred. Quite a few employees even get e-mails from the company late at night. The bosses of several health insurance companies give the employers a complicity in the enormous increase of burnout and depression in companies and make themselves strong for an improvement in occupational safety.

Right to rest
For example, the CEOs of Barmer GEK, Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) and KKH commercial health insurance now demand a strengthening of health protection in companies. Barmer boss Christoph Straub told the „World on Sunday“: „The changes in our working world, for example, through the use of smartphones and the associated constant accessibility lead to more and more stress.“ Straub called for lawmakers to force employers to grant employees the right to take rest breaks. „Nobody should always be reachable - here a law can protect health through clear measures against continuous stress.“

Companies should invest in health management
Companies would neglect their responsibility for the employees, so the accusation of KKH boss Ingo Kailuweit. Many companies fail to prepare employees for a tolerable approach to growing stress. „Here, most employers have to rethink.“ Companies should invest more in health management, said Tk boss Jens Baas: „Every euro is well spent here.“ Such workplace health promotion is about improving people's health and well-being at work, through measures such as improved work organization and work environment. Or by providing health services and promoting personal development.

Minister of Health Gröhe supports the appeal of the health insurance funds
Federal Health Minister Hermann Gröhe (CDU) also supports the appeal of the health insurance funds. „Good prevention programs can help prevent illnesses such as burnout or physical ailments from occurring as a result of occupational stress“, said the politician to the „World on Sunday“. It is in the interests of companies to promote the health and satisfaction of employees. „Companies that recognize this ultimately increase their competitiveness.“

Debate on anti-stress rules
16 percent of all days off in the first half of 2014, according to figures from health insurance DAK attributed to mental illness such as burnout. Compared to the previous year, the number of cases of depression or anxiety increased by more than ten percent. The number of days lost due to back pain, which are often due to stress, have increased significantly. In 2013, employers had to compensate a total of 40 million days lost from their employees, according to the TK's Back Atlas introduced in June. The heads of the cash register are now entering the debate on anti-stress regulations with their appeal. For example, Labor Minister Andrea Nahles (SPD) pleaded for longer recovery periods, better compensation for overtime and greater health promotion in order to prevent the risk of prolonged stress.

Prevent stress-related health problems
However, workers who do not want to wait that long before such appeals to businesses are put into action should, as far as possible, help themselves to anticipate potential health problems caused by work overload. Basically, it is advisable not to wait until symptoms such as chronic fatigue, inner restlessness, depressive moods, sleep disorders, heart stumbling, dizziness or difficulties concentrating show. It would also be wrong to compensate for stress with overeating, smoking or alcohol. Rather, stress reduction is targeted relaxation, such as progressive muscle relaxation, autogenic training, yoga, tai chi, or qigong, sufficient sleep, regular exercise and healthy nutrition. (Ad)

Picture: Gerd Altmann, Pixelio