Arge has to pay at Hartz IV PKV contributions
Again and again trouble for the assumption of private health insurance: Another court condemned the responsible employment agency to take over the health insurance contributions of a Hartz IV recipient.
(17.06.2010) An obvious legal loophole in the Hartz IV system always brings work to the social courts. Employment agencies deny ALG II recipients the full cost of private health insurance (PKV). Particularly affected are former self-employed, who now have no more chance to change to the statutory health insurance. Once outside, the way to the legal is blocked.
In the specific case, the competent Hartz IV authority refused to pay the full cost of the health insurance PKV. Only a grant would pay the employment agency in the amount of the normal contributions of the statutory health insurance. The rest would have to settle those affected by the few Hartz IV rule set. Now, however, another social court has decided that ALG II recipients must be paid the full cost of the PKV, the Social Court Chemnitz (Az .: S 3 AS 450/10).
The State Social Court of North Rhine Westphalia also came to the same view. ALG II recipients must be reimbursed the full PKV contributions, which applies to both the basic tariff, as well as other tariffs, if they are cheaper than the base rate. Otherwise, the subsistence level of the beneficiary is no longer secure (AZ: L 12 B 107/09 SO ER). In some cases, those affected must pay over 160 euros from the standard rate, as there is little left for a living. A perfect unequal treatment also because formerly voluntarily legally insured get the full costs reimbursed. Legislators should definitely come to a settlement here, as otherwise there will be further legitimate complaints. (Sb)
Also read:
Acquisition of PKV contributions for Hartz IV recipients
Contribution increases of the private health insurance companies
No takeover of additional contributions by Hartz IV
PKV base rate for ALG II recipients