Accidents at work Mostly carelessness is the cause

Accidents at work Mostly carelessness is the cause / Health News
Slipped because you looked down the stairs on a smartphone or fallen from the shaky chair when something should be brought from the upper shelves: A large proportion of accidents at work happens because employees are inattentive. It would be better if they listened to their inner warning signals.

Many accidents at work could be avoided
Many accidents at work would be avoided if employees were more attentive. One of the most common causes of accidents in Germany is that workers slip, stumble or fall. The TÜV Rheinland has pointed to this in a message from the news agency dpa. So the reason is often that, for example, cables lying around or employees have carelessly parked items. Some employees check their smartphone during their lunch break and fall down. Others want to get at an item and since they are in a hurry, they do not pick up a ladder, but quickly climb onto a chair, which then collapses.

Typical work accident. Image: Zerbor - fotolia

Do not ignore your own doubts
Workers should therefore think twice before launching these daredevils. Often, even in the situation itself, a doubt arises - for example, the moment you step onto the chair or crate. Many accidents would not happen if you did not ignore these doubts. On the positive side, there has been a decline in accident numbers in recent years. This was reported by the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV), in which the joint professional associations and public accident funds are united, in the summer. At that time, the BG Energie Energie Elektro Medienerzeugnisse (BG ETEM) reported that most of the time injuries were caused in accidents at work. (Ad)