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Cannabis Legal cannabis cultivation for pain patients

Legal hemp cultivation for pain patients07/26/2014 A few days ago, the Cologne administrative court ruled that it allows certain pain...

Cannabis control online test shows risks

Beef control: In an online self-test, adolescents can control whether they still have their cannabis use under control. 27/12/2010 From...

Cannabis consumption has dropped significantly

Cannabis consumption of adolescents decreased significantly 05/05/2011 The cannabis consumption among young people in Germany is declining. This is reported...

Cannabis on prescription

Cannabis in the future on prescription: Federal Government plans to change the law in order to facilitate the supply of...

Cannabis helps with bladder overactivity

The synthetic cannabis substance "Canna-binor" helps with bladder overreaction. Medical specialists from the Urological Clinic in Munich, in collaboration with...

Cannabis hemp association welcomes first cannabis cultivation in Germany

The German Hanfverband welcomes the announcement by the federal government to set up a cannabis agency. This paves the way...

Cannabis release could be turbo for a new organic industry

Cannabis release as a turbo for a new organic industryMunich - The spectrum of political parties for the release of...

Cannabis approved for cancer patients in Chile

First legal cannabis harvest in Chile 09/04/2015 After harshly prosecuting and punishing cannabis possession in Chile for decades, the country...

Cannabis forms, effects and risks

Cannabis in Latin refers to the plant hemp. In Germany, this mainly includes the THC-containing products from hemp. The dried...