Cannabis Legal cannabis cultivation for pain patients

Cannabis Legal cannabis cultivation for pain patients / Health News

Legal hemp cultivation for pain patients


A few days ago, the Cologne administrative court ruled that it allows certain pain patients to grow cannabis for their own use. But those affected must meet certain conditions in order to make hemp cultivation legal.

Legal hemp cultivation for personal use
A few days ago, the Cologne administrative court ruled that certain chronically ill patients were allowed to legally grow the otherwise illegal drug cannabis at home for their own use. However, those affected must fulfill certain conditions. One of the plaintiffs, Würzburger Günter Weiglein, commented in an interview „“ Among other things, what patients have to follow in the future, how they came to their lawsuit and how much of the costs they are spared.

Cannabis as a medicine
Cannabis has long been used as a medicine in Germany. For example, its effectiveness in nausea and vomiting, or in cachexia, a condition that leads to extreme underweight due to severe emaciation, is well documented and proven. Even with loss of appetite is advised by some experts to marijuana or hashish. In addition, cannabis has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect and has significantly milder side effects than most classic medicines. Therefore, pain patients are allowed to buy cannabis flowers or preparations in the pharmacy - but only if they meet certain conditions and have the appropriate approval of the Federal Patent Office of the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM), such as „“ reported.

Health insurance companies do not pay the costs
The herbal agent costs in the pharmacy between 15 and 18 euros and is not paid by the health insurance. „In the month of consumption would cost me a total of around 900 euros“, Weiglein explained in the interview. Since a motorcycle accident ten years ago, he suffers from chronic knee, shoulder and pelvic pain. The other plaintiffs are also struggling with chronic pain, multiple sclerosis (MS) or attention deficit disorder ADHD. According to his own statement, Weiglein came to cannabis via a friend. He had offered him a joint whose consumption made the patient feel better quickly. Weiglein said: „The muscles relax, and after half a minute you can feel the pain subsiding.“

Self-cultivation means cost savings
Like some hundreds more in Germany, the complaining patients were allowed to buy and consume cannabis flowers from the pharmacy, but they could not afford it financially. The permission for self-cultivation thus means primarily a cost saving. According to Weiglein, the costs for growing and maintaining the plants are only about one-tenth of the pharmacy price. However, the judgment of the Cologne administrative court does not change anything for the plaintiffs for the time being, since they still do not have permission for hemp cultivation. Although the court has obliged the BfArM to rediscuss the motions of three plaintiffs with the judgment, it is still unclear how this decision will turn out. The BfArM, for example, has the opportunity to appeal and demand stricter safety requirements for cultivation than the plaintiffs currently have. „We wait for the verdict“, such a BfArM spokeswoman., loud „“. „Before this is available, the BfArM will make no decision.“

Guidelines for securing narcotic supplies
Weigleins application was rejected by the Federal Institute, inter alia, on the grounds that the cultivation in a private apartment like his is visible to everyone, and could also gain access to the unauthorized plants - such as neighbors, visitors or burglars. According to the BfArM, self-cultivation must be subject to the guidelines for securing supplies of narcotic drugs, which are quite strict and provide, inter alia, specially secured doors. According to the judgment, it is important that the patient already has „exhausted all reasonable treatment alternatives“ Has. He must also ensure that no other person can gain access to the plants.

Hemp cultivation is not complicated
In the case of Weiglein, the court found the security measures adequate. He said: „According to the court, I could grow hemp exactly as I had planned and suggested to the BfArM: in the storeroom of my three-room apartment.“ And further: „There is enough space for a small greenhouse with accessories, and the room is lockable.“ As „“ In conclusion, it is not complicated to grow hemp. You only need a few utensils such as a greenhouse and a special lamp to grow plants in the apartment. Since the plants secrete a strong smell, especially during flowering, a filter is also important. However, the procurement of cuttings and seeds is problematic. So you can legally buy these in Austria, but the import to Germany is not allowed. (Ad)

Picture: Susanne Schmich