Cannabis legalization CDU, FDP and SPD against it

Cannabis legalization CDU, FDP and SPD against it / Health News

Coalition and SPD vote against legalizing cannabis


As reported yesterday, the Left Party in the German Bundestag had made an application for the legalization of cannabis and the introduction of cannabis clubs. This was after a short debate to vote. As expected, however, the motion was rejected by the majority of parliamentarians. CDU / CSU, FDP and SPD voted against it. Only Alliance 90 / The Greens supported the idea of ​​Cannabis Social Clubs.

The application of the Greens for the so-called „Pill testing“. Here again voted the left for it, CDU / CSU, FDP and SPD against it. For the time being, the topic of the vote is more liberal drug policy.

Outraged by the result was the publisher of the „Hemp journals“ Emanuel Kotzian. "With their rejection of the application for the establishment of cannabis clubs after the Spanish model CDU, CSU, FDP and SPD continue to ignore the judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court of 9 March 1994. It is time, the war-on-drugs in Germany With the fundamental refusal to allow pressure-checking projects, the coalition and the SPD are preventing an effective instrument for harm reduction.We would like to support a coalition of the willing in the cause, when it comes to shaping the peace-on-drugs in Bavaria and Germany and thank LEFT and GREENS for their initiatives in the Bundestag“, so Kotzian. (Sb)

Also read:
Stupid or not stupid by cannabis?
Legalization of cannabis today in the Bundestag

Image: Manfred Schimmel