Cannabis legalization in Schleswig-Holstein?

Cannabis legalization in Schleswig-Holstein? / Health News

Cannabis delivery after the election in Schleswig-Holstein?


Schleswig-Holstein made history in cannabis policy in the 1990s. Although a federal state can not simply legalize cannabis, the Narcotics Act gives them the option of a model project to explore the impact of new drug policies. Thus, the model project for heroin procurement, which ultimately led to the heroin prescription became a recognized form of therapy emerged. Schleswig-Holstein applied for a model project in 1997 to investigate the distribution of cannabis to adults in pharmacies. This application was then rejected by the competent federal authority under Health Minister Seehofer (CSU), but he has shown what is possible in principle. Never before had a federal state dared to make such a far-reaching cannabis policy advance and it was the only attempt so far. That is why our usual question of how the parties are to such a model project is particularly interesting in Schleswig-Holstein.

The surprising result: SPD, GREEN, LEFT, SSW and PIRATEN support such a renewed request. The SPD emphasizes that it considers such an initiative to be sensible only if there is a serious chance of implementation by the federal government and possibly together with other federal states, which should not be the case for the current federal government. But since the balance of power in the federal government could change in the foreseeable future, a renewed application does not seem to be ruled out, writes the German Hemp Association (DHV) in a press release.

Only CDU and FDP have opposed liberalization in cannabis policy. Thus, in the new Landtag of Schleswig-Holstein, a majority of MPs should have a liberal attitude towards cannabis. Thus Schleswig-Holstein seems to have at least as hemp-friendly climate as in Berlin. Because the five parties mentioned have not only been in favor of a model trial on cannabis donation, but also want to campaign for a further decriminalization of cannabis consumers. (Pm)

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