Cannabis hemp association welcomes first cannabis cultivation in Germany

Cannabis hemp association welcomes first cannabis cultivation in Germany / Health News
The German Hanfverband welcomes the announcement by the federal government to set up a cannabis agency. This paves the way for the first cultivation of medical cannabis in Germany and not only helps the patient, but also opens up new economic prospects for

(Image: johny87 /

The establishment of a cannabis agency is an old requirement of the DHV. Only in this way can the dependency of Germany on imports be stopped and the security of supply guaranteed for the patients.

"Easier access to cannabis as a medicine and health insurance payments were long overdue. The fact that the Federal Government now thinks the issue is coming to an end and that production in Germany is possible, has pleased and surprised. Finally, the German economy is no longer disconnected from international development and can develop its own cannabis industry. More and more interested entrepreneurs are getting in touch with us, who are interested in the production of medical cannabis. We expect a massive increase in demand for cannabis as medicine, "said DHV spokesman Georg Wurth.

However, the DHV continues to demand that patients be allowed to grow cannabis themselves if they want to. This relieves the health insurance and allows each patient use the right one for him
Cannabis. In addition, as many patients as possible should benefit from the new regime, not just pain patients. The range of cannabis in medical use is large, as the previous exemptions for various diseases showed. (Pm)