Cannabis helps with bladder overactivity

Cannabis helps with bladder overactivity / Health News

The synthetic cannabis substance "Canna-binor" helps with bladder overreaction.

Medical specialists from the Urological Clinic in Munich, in collaboration with a Swedish-American working group, have determined that the synthetic cannabis substance "Canna-binor" could reduce the symptoms of overactive blisters ("OAB", "Overactive Bladder"). In experiments with animals corresponding results could be achieved.

The idea came to medical professionals in the context of treating multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. MS patients often use cannabis preparations to relieve pain and spasticity. In addition, MS patients often have symptoms that resemble an "OverActive Bladder." After use of appropriate cannabis drugs, the symptoms were reduced in the MS patients and the symptoms decreased.

The "over-active bladder" is a functional disorder of the bladder function. Overactive Bladder patients suffer from constant urination and frequent urination. Some patients complain of incontinence. "The OAB is usually treated with drugs that relax the muscles of the bladder," said Dr. med. Christian Gratzke from the Urological Clinic Munich. "Their effectiveness, however, is limited in time and the drugs sometimes have serious side effects, such as dry mouth or confusion." For this reason, was looking for years for alternative treatment options. The cannabis substance Canna-binor could soon provide relief for the patients. In addition, there are many applications in natural medicine that provide relief. (sb, 12.04.2010)

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