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Cannabis Facts Do you release the hemp, or better yet not?

Currently, a social debate has flared up, whether cannabis should be controlled release or not. We have collected some facts...

Cannabis energy drink without cannabis?

Cannabis Energy Drink launched in Australia and New ZealandAfter the launch of a Cannabis Energy Drink in Australia and New...

Cannabis self-cultivation for pain patients?

Pain patients are suing for permission to grow cannabis 07/11/2014 The use of cannabis for the treatment of pain patients...

Cannabis self-cultivation allowed for MS patients?

Cannabis home-grown for medical purposes allowed? MS patient achieves partial success in court action 22/01/2011 The self-cultivation of cannabis for...

Cannabis overtakes alcohol consumption in adolescents

09/19/2014 Last Thursday, the current drug trend study was presented in Frankfurt am Main. This revealed that among young people...

Cannabis treatment helps against traumatic anxiety disorders and inflammation

Cannabis has a long-lasting effect on trauma symptoms and inflammation At the Forum of Neuroscience, which is currently taking place...

Cannabis triggers psychosis?

Cannabis use: cause of psychosis? (13.09.2010) Every year, the discussion about the legalization of cannabis reignites - most recently due...

Cannabis on prescription?

Cannabis soon on prescription? (23.08.2010) Since the Emnid Institute has determined on behalf of the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cannabis als Medizin" that...

Cannabis on prescription only for a few

Cannabis spray for MS therapy first approved in France 01/10/2014 For some time, doctors and scientists are investigating the healing...