Cannabis triggers psychosis?

Cannabis triggers psychosis? / Health News

Cannabis use: cause of psychosis?

(13.09.2010) Every year, the discussion about the legalization of cannabis reignites - most recently due to the plans of the federal government to release cannabis as a pain-relieving drug. The cannabis consumption can also cause psychosis and is the most common drug entry, are the most serious arguments of Leagalisierungs opponents and so are the old well-known studies again cited.

Thus warns the psychiatrist and chief physician of the child and adolescent psychiatry at the Erfurt Helios-Klinikum, Dr ... Ekkehard Englert, now in conversation with „World Online“ before that cannabis though „have a relaxing effect, reduce nausea and stimulate the appetite“ but there is a two to three times higher psychosis risk for the patients. However, the skilled person also expressly points out that a „genetic predisposition (...)“ must and the „Drug use (...) can only be a trigger“ can. Most cannabis opponents often cite the increased risk of psychosis at this point, without pointing out that a genetic predisposition is a prerequisite for the occurrence of psychosis. In addition, in most previous studies, a clear link between the psychosis and the intake of certain substances can not be established, since patients often took other narcotic drugs in addition to cannabis.

However, no attempt should be made to eliminate the risk, as many consumers or former consumers suffer from significant mental health problems caused by cannabis use. Thus, the risk of psychosis for regular cannabis users is significantly increased. In particular, young people are, according to the expert, often affected by the negative consequences, as their central nervous system still develops into adulthood and is particularly vulnerable to the chemical effect of cannabis on the metabolism at this time. In addition, patients who have ever had a psychosis, significantly more often relapse, if they consume cannabis. Also, the consumption has a negative impact on the course of the disease, the effectiveness of the drugs and the chances of recovery.

The specialist Dr. Ekkehard Englert also blames the increased cannabis consumption of young people for the fact that people in Germany today suffer from psychosis much earlier. „Most people fall ill for the first time in their mid 20s“, explained the expert, where 2008 in Thuringia 2,900 patients were due to a schizophrenic psychosis in treatment and in Germany 137,000. In his eyes, the approval of cannabis for medical purposes is already problematic because „if you legalize the substance, (...) you put the state seal of non-hazardousness on it „There is no serious interest“ can. Because cannabis is in his opinion the entry-level drug number one and who makes positive experiences with it, will also try other things. The same is certainly true for alcohol and cigarettes. Whether every permitted substance in the consumption is harmless and whether at this point not only a responsible handling with the use should be goal remains, also from sides of Dr. med. Englerts unexplained. Moreover, it is questionable whether the population automatically equates the use of cannabis for medical purposes with daily consumption as an intoxicant and a „state seals of non-hazardousness“ exists for them. (Fp)

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