Cannabis Facts Do you release the hemp, or better yet not?

Cannabis Facts Do you release the hemp, or better yet not? / Health News
Currently, a social debate has flared up, whether cannabis should be controlled release or not. We have collected some facts to contribute to this discussion.

A minority of consumers who smoke a joint or otherwise consume cannabis become psychologically conspicuous. "However, endangered are people who have a predisposition to a psychosis," says also the search expert Benedikt Bloching of the Stuttgart Hospital. As always, the dose is crucial. But how does cannabis actually work??

Over 66 known substances are contained in cannabis. These call scientists cannabinoids. The most important and intoxicating substance is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). He makes for euphoric and foggy conditions. Another substance is cannabidiol (CBD). This is considered a so-called antagonist and acts antipsychotic. Cannabis works in the human organism because the brain produces substances that are very similar to cannabis substances. Therefore, THC and CBD find in the human body corresponding docking sites, which are also called receptors. They attach themselves to these and trigger corresponding psychological effects.

Should cannabis be released or not? With moderate consumption quite relaxing, with excessive consumption but neurologically harmful. (Image: sarra22 / fotolia)

Relieves anxiety but also encourages fear
For example, THC adheres to receptors that are responsible for the reward center of the brain. There it then comes to the release of the messenger dopamine, which is responsible for feelings of happiness. "The drug therefore creates a good mood to euphoria, but can also lead to indifference or anxiety in large quantities," said the search expert Benedikt Bloching from the Stuttgart Hospital.

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Often existing conditions such as sadness or hilarity are additionally supported by the use of cannabis. "When I smoke, I either get a Lachflash or just sit in the corner indifferently. Both relaxes me, "says Clemens Just. Just is about 20 years old and occasionally smokes a joint in the evening.

Moderate consumption can relax
Moderate consumption can therefore also have positive effects. The receptors to which the drugs bind are also located in the places in the brain where emotions such as anxiety, pain or stress are generated. These feelings, which are often unpleasant for people, can be dampened with cannabis. Another receptor is located in the immune cells in the intestine and the lungs. Cannbis can affect the immune system and counteract inflammation. However, some people do not possess these receptors. Then this effect can not be unfolded.

Cannabis substances make learning difficult
If you learn, you should not smoke. Because cannabis inhibits learning, even if the intoxication is already over. Because the receptors are still occupied and complicate the reception of new information. Therefore, it also happens that long-term consumers often have difficulty remembering things and are "forgetful". Impairment after intoxication can last up to four weeks for heavy users.

Does cannabis affect intelligence as well? The search expert refers to a long-term study. In this study, volunteers have been continuously neuropsychologically examined since childhood until adulthood. "The evaluations indicate that regular consumption reduces the intelligence by eight IQ points - as long as one has begun to consume cannabis in early adolescence."

Especially as the brain develops, it is more susceptible to the effects of cannabis. An Australian study found that kinky teens have worse chances of successfully completing high school graduation. The odds dropped by up to 60 percent compared to non-consumers. Although other researchers refuted these observations. It is undisputed that the brain of long-term consumers is changing. It works according to scientists of the University of Bonn "just different", but not necessarily worse. (Sb)