Cannabis on prescription only for a few

Cannabis on prescription only for a few / Health News

Cannabis spray for MS therapy first approved in France


For some time, doctors and scientists are investigating the healing effects of cannabis. In France, a so-called cannabis derivative has now been approved as a drug by the Remedies Control Center ANSM.

A short statement on the amendment of the drug laws
„However, the drug with cannabis drugs has been approved for a few patient populations“, as the French Ministry of Health announced in a brief statement by the press. Experts see this approval more than just a drug release. It represents a fundamental turnaround in French drug policy. Even in Germany, seriously ill people have since 2011 can prescribe drugs with cannabis. However, the hurdles are very high. The release applies, as now in France, only for seriously ill people.

In France, not only cannabis trade but also the manufacture and use of cannabis products has been banned by law. Even pharmacies had since 1953 remove the actually traditional remedy of naturopathy from offer, as the narcotic in principle prohibited any use, including the medical. But now a small revolution is taking place in France. Although the release of the soft drug in the form of the prescription drug Sativex of the British pharmaceutical manufacturer GW Pharmaceuticals to take place under strict medical and regulatory supervision, but the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) was not removed from the drug. It is precisely this THC that is also the indexed substance, as it leads to intoxicating conditions.

Medicines used as oral spray
The agent is sold in the form of an oral spray. In addition to the mentioned THC, it also contains cannabidiol. The spray is used in the symptomatic treatment of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Some clinical studies indicate that THC has an antispasmodic effect and relieves pain. Patients themselves increasingly pointed to this context. Many MS sufferers have self-planted to improve their symptomatic health. Many physicians knew that many patients with MS smoked cannabis despite the ban.

Thus, this drug, which has already been approved in England and other European countries, is officially on the market in France. However, Parliament had to change the legislation, because any consumption, even for health reasons, was banned.

Overdue progress
Patrick Vermersch from the University Hospital Lille rates the ANSM decision as one „long overdue progress“. The now approved drug for patients with MS is a remedy for certain groups of patients, for which there would be no other means, as no longer appeal. The expert bases his testimony on a small study of his clinic. Twenty patients responded well to the medicine. Nevertheless, the physician warned of possible psychological side effects, since just heavily stressed patients tended to side effects. These "must be monitored and supplied more specifically," says Vermersch.

Drug also approved in Germany
Also in Germany, MS and Aids patients can access the named drug. Since 2011, the spray can be prescribed by a doctor. Also in this country the regulations are strict. Only patients who are severely ill get it administered. According to the manufacturers, it can reduce the intraocular pressure, relieve nausea and vomiting, help with loss of appetite and curb nerves and spasticity.

The Joint Federal Committee in Germany, which is responsible, inter alia, for the review of the medical benefit, was rather skeptical in a statement. Although there are "good experiences", but little meaningful clinical studies. Therefore, only a "minor added benefit" can be seen. (Sb)

Picture: Susanne Schmich