All articles - Page 1857

Duogynon suit files remain closed?

Duogynon lawsuit: files remain closed? The district court sees little chance to force the pharmaceutical manufacturer Bayer-Schering to grant access...

Dark bread lasts longer compared to light

Consumer Ministry advises dark bread 02/10/2013 Dark bread lasts longer than all light breads. This is what the Federal Ministry...

Dark urine What the urine color says

What the color of urine can say about healthDark urine can appear in very different facets and be colored from...

Dark wintertime Especially women suffer from the time change

Almost three quarters of Germans are in favor of the abolition of the time change Every half year it's that...

Dark Winter months Who needs additional vitamin D?

Vitamin D: Not everyone needs pillsThe supply of vitamin D in Germany is insufficient, as emerges from a report of...

Dark and airy storage of tomatoes

04/07/2012 Pure tomatoes, as a salad, to pasta or filled - the healthy shrubs from local cultivation are currently enjoying...

Dark spots in cultivated mushrooms not bad

Dark spots on cultivated mushrooms have no effect on flavor or shelf life 07/13/2012 Dark spots on recently bought mushrooms...

Dark sunglasses do not protect well from UV light

Sunglasses with dark lenses do not necessarily protect better from UV radiationWhen the first rays of sun show, the season...

Dark chocolate with positive effects for the heart

Heart Specialist: Dark chocolate protects against cardiovascular disease 12/13/2011 At Christmas time, chocolate consumption is increasing throughout Germany. Anyone who...