Dark bread lasts longer compared to light

Dark bread lasts longer compared to light / Health News

Consumer Ministry advises dark bread


Dark bread lasts longer than all light breads. This is what the Federal Ministry of Consumer Affairs is doing as part of the campaign „Too good for the bin“ out. Anyone who considers the shelf life of bread at the time of purchase would help prevent food waste. The campaign is against the throwaway culture.

Store bread at room temperature in the bread box
In Germany there are around 300 types of bread and more than 1,200 varieties of biscuits. This makes Germany one of the front runners in international comparison. At the same time, about 12 kilos of baked goods per person per year in our country go to waste. Often, too much is bought. „Too good for the bin“ is a consumer ministry campaign fighting against avoidable food disposal.

„The darker bread is, the longer it lasts. Sourdough bread lasts for about seven days, wholemeal bread for four days, white bread for up to three days“, It says in a message to the campaign. It is best to keep the bread at room temperature in a bread box or a clay pot. Bread that was left over could be frozen - either in the form of individual slices, which are then thawed in the toaster, or as a whole loaf. A bread needs about five hours to defrost at room temperature. Even bread rolls can be frozen and later moisten with a little water moistened in the oven.

„Already firm and slightly dry bread is perfect for croutons. Cut the bread into small cubes, fry in butter or oil over low heat and sprinkle the crunchy croutons over salads, soups, scrambled eggs or stews“, the message goes on to say. Generally, however: „If bread is moldy, it must not be used anymore.“ (Ag)

Picture: siepmannH