Dark chocolate with positive effects for the heart

Dark chocolate with positive effects for the heart / Health News

Heart Specialist: Dark chocolate protects against cardiovascular disease


At Christmas time, chocolate consumption is increasing throughout Germany. Anyone who thought that this would be a disadvantage for their health was wrong. For as the chairman of the Federal Association of Established Cardiologists, Dr. med. Norbert Smetak, who recently announced, can develop dark chocolate quite positive effects on the cardiovascular system.

However, the amounts of dark chocolate consumed should not be more than six grams per day (about half a slab per week), so that the preventive effect on cardiovascular disease is not offset by the disadvantages of significant weight gain, the expert explained. According to the Chairman of the Association of Registered Cardiologists, the reason for the positive effect of chocolate is the flavonols or flavonoids contained in cocoa.

Elasticity of blood vessels increases due to chocolate consumption
Dr. Norbert Smetak explained that flavonols in cocoa have a positive influence on the elasticity of blood vessels and blood pressure, thus protecting the consumption of dark chocolate from cardiovascular diseases. Flavonoids, as phytochemicals, are capable of trapping cell-damaging metabolites and of protecting the cardiovascular system from inflammation, said the Chairman of the Association of Established Cardiologists.

Already last year, Swedish researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm published a study, according to which dark chocolate due to the flavonoids of cocoa has a preventive effect on strokes. However, even here the positive health effect was only at low consumption levels of chocolate. The statements of the Chairman of the Association of Registered Cardiologists of daily maximum of six grams of dark chocolate should therefore be kept as possible. However, the phytochemicals can not only be absorbed by chocolate, but are also included in green tea, onions or red wine, for example. According to the experts, the flavonoids in the organism have an antioxidant effect in addition to the positive effects on the blood vessels, absorb free radicals and strengthen the immune system. (Fp)

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Image: Simone Hainz