Dark wintertime Especially women suffer from the time change

Dark wintertime Especially women suffer from the time change / Health News

Almost three quarters of Germans are in favor of the abolition of the time change

Every half year it's that time again: the time change is coming up. Many people suffer from it, especially women, as a recent survey shows. Almost three-quarters of Germans are in favor of abolishing the time change.

Next weekend, the clocks will be reset

It's that time again this coming weekend: In the night from Saturday to Sunday, summer time ends and the clocks are reset from three o'clock to two o'clock. From then on, the winter time applies again. Although some are happy about the extra hour of sleep, the time change puts a strain on your health. As shown in a recent survey, the conversion is particularly troubling women. Almost three-quarters of Germans are in favor of abolishing the time change.

During the weekend, from Saturday to Sunday, the watches will be reset from three o'clock to two o'clock this weekend. Many people are suffering from the time change, especially women. (Image: Johanna Mühlbauer / fotolia.com)

Time change puts a strain on your health

According to health experts, many people in the first few days after the time change experience more symptoms such as headaches, lack of concentration, dizziness, tiredness and sleep disorders.

Also, the risk of a heart attack is temporarily significantly increased after the time change. In addition, according to Danish scientists, it is the cause of much more depression.

And Finnish researchers found in a study that the time change can cause a high risk of stroke.

Changeover is a particular problem for women

The DAK health now reported in a statement that the time change is especially troubling women: Compared to the men they have almost twice as often difficulties with the time change (16 vs. 28 percent).

This is the result of a recent survey of the health insurance. According to this, more than one in five (22 percent) had already had physical or mental problems with it.

Almost three-quarters of respondents think that time change is superfluous and advocate abolishing it.

Relaxation and fresh air

The DAK health explains what are the most frequent complaints of the time change among the respondents:

Three-quarters of those affected feel tired and limp - 70 percent of the men surveyed and 79 percent of women. A total of 60 percent have difficulty falling asleep and more than a third may be worse off concentrating.

Twelve percent said they had depressive moods. One in five professionals has never come to work on time.

"The biorhythm does not change from one day to the next - many people need some time to get back in time. Anyone who feels bad due to the time change, which helps relaxation, fresh air and a little patience, "said DAK doctor Elisabeth Thomas.

Other experts point out that a lot of outdoor exercise and relaxation techniques such as autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation against mini-jet lag can be effective.

Middle-aged people more affected

Age also plays a role in dealing with the time change: While young people and young adults aged between 14 and 29 rarely complain about problems caused by mini-jetlag (15 percent), the changeover is especially important for 45- to 59-year-olds (29 Percent).

"Most people at this age have a job and children. Your daily routine is therefore less flexible than the younger and older, so they are the transition difficult, "said the DAK doctor.

Majority considers time change superfluous

For years, the resistance against the time change is growing: the majority of respondents (72 percent) thinks they are pointless and advocates abolition. Every second thinks it realistic that the time change is actually abolished.

In Germany, summer time was introduced in 1980 to make better use of daylight and thus save energy.

Summer time lasts from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October. From then applies again the actual normal time, which is colloquially called winter time. (Ad)