Dark Winter months Who needs additional vitamin D?

Dark Winter months Who needs additional vitamin D? / Health News
Vitamin D: Not everyone needs pills
The supply of vitamin D in Germany is insufficient, as emerges from a report of the DGE only recently. The Apothekerkammer Niedersachsen now explains for whom an additional intake of vitamin D supplements makes sense and for whom rather not. Caution is required even with an overdose.


  • In Central and Northern Europe, many are affected
  • Prevent vitamin D deficiency
  • Vitamin D protects against diseases
  • Beware of overdose

In the winter months, the power of the sun decreases and people do not spend so much time outside. With less sunlight, the body also produces less vitamin D. Supplements for food supplement promise remedy. Whether they are useful for everyone and what to consider when taking, knows the Apothekerkammer Niedersachsen.

Using sunlight and nutrition to prevent vitamin D deficiency. Image: bit24 - fotolia

In Central and Northern Europe, many are affected

Adolescents and young adults, post-menopausal women, athletes and men over 50 are at particular risk of vitamin D deficiency. Dark-skinned and nursing home residents are also infrequently supplied with vitamin D. Also, the daily use of rather low sun protection factors (over ten) in day creams or other care products can lead to an increased vitamin D need.

Prevent vitamin D deficiency

If you spend enough time outdoors in spring and summer, you can make enough vitamin D through your skin. From October to March the exposure to sunlight is lower, the days are shorter, darker and the intensity of solar radiation is lower. The UV radiation is not sufficient in many places for vitamin D synthesis. The body then gradually consumes the vitamin D stored in the summer. Vitamin D replenishment supplies only a limited range of foods over time. These include fatty fish, egg yolk, red meat, liver and vitamin D-enriched breakfast cereal or dairy products. The Apothekerkammer Niedersachsen recommends to pay attention to a healthy, balanced diet in autumn and winter and to stay regularly in the summer months with adequate sun protection in the sun. Anyone who thinks they can not spend enough time in daylight and who belongs to the risk groups should have their vitamin D levels checked regularly by the doctor.

Vitamin D protects against diseases

A lack of vitamin D promotes bone loss and can lead to osteoporosis and bone fractures. Vitamin D deficiency can also promote muscle weakness, which can contribute to walking insecurity and fall inclination, especially in the elderly. The vitamin D promotes the incorporation of calcium into the bones and helps with rickets, osteomalacia, malassimilation, kidney disease and parathyroid gland dysfunction. The use of the vitamin in combination with calcium for osteoporosis prophylaxis and therapy is usual. However, recent findings suggest that deficiency may also contribute to the development of chronic diseases, including autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular diseases and cancer, are controversial.

Beware of overdose

Those who want to take vitamin D supplements are best advised by their doctor or pharmacist. The doctor can control the vitamin D status by laboratory. Too much vitamin D can cause calcium deposits, nausea, vomiting, increased thirst, increased urination, weakness, and kidney failure. For dosage forms such as 20,000 I.U. softgelatin capsules. Vitamin D3 may only be taken once a week. The vitamin D supplements should best be purchased in the pharmacy, advises the Apothekerkammer Niedersachsen. Ökotest tested pharmacy-only supplements and over-the-counter dietary supplements: the drugs from the pharmacy performed significantly better. In the case of dietary supplements, some of the substantial differences in the actual vitamin D content were found in the test. (Sb)