Dark and airy storage of tomatoes

Dark and airy storage of tomatoes / Health News


Pure tomatoes, as a salad, to pasta or filled - the healthy shrubs from local cultivation are currently enjoying great popularity. How tomatoes stay fresh and aromatic for longer is explained by the Press Office of German Fruits and Vegetables.

Tomatoes contain vitamin C and minerals
Cherry, bottle, shrub and beef tomatoes are just some of the many varieties. Mostly they are bright red, but also yellow and even black tomatoes. The shrub fruits taste good and are healthy. Tomatoes contain a lot of vitamin C and minerals, according to the German Fruit and Vegetable Press Office. In addition, the red dye lycopene, a carotenoid, strengthen the immune system.

For storage, tomatoes should not be refrigerated. As the press office announced, the shrubs there quickly lose their aroma. A dish in a shady and airy place at room temperature is more suitable. Up to a week the tomatoes stay so fresh. If the vegetables are not fully ripe and green, they can ripen on the windowsill.

Tomatoes from the supermarket are not very tasty
If you want to be sure that aromatic tomatoes are on the table, you should grow the shrubs yourself. Only recently, US scientists have discovered why tomatoes from the supermarket often taste bland. In order to give the tomatoes as evenly as possible bright red, the vegetables were genetically modified. But also the taste-giving gene in the tomatoes was destroyed. However, the research team led by Ann Powell of the University of California is confident that future red and aromatic tomatoes will be bred. (Ag)

Image: Alexander Dreher, Pixelio.de