All articles - Page 1203

Cold and heating air What really helps against dry skin in winter

Icy cold: In winter, our skin needs special care Inside, dry heating air and icy cold outside: In winter, our...

Cold and home remedies help against stubborn warts

Cold therapy and home remedies for effective treatment of skin growthsWarts not only look ugly, but can also be very...

Cold Headache Freezing can promote tension headaches

"Freezing can cause tension headaches," reports the professional association of German Nervous Physicians (BVDN) in Krefeld. Some people would increasingly...

Cold can cause problems during sports

Cold can cause problems in sports: This is how healthy sports are practiced during the cold season 04/01/2011 For the...

Cold can help you lose weight

Cool temperatures increase your well-being and help you lose weight 01/23/2014 Cold can obviously have a positive effect on well-being...

Knock test When is the pumpkin edible?

Pumpkin: Knock and taste test for the right maturity 21/10/2013 Whether from the store, from the market or fresh from...

lump in throat

Dumpling in the throat or lump The so-called "lump in the throat" (medus Globussyndrom or Globusgefühl) is very common and...

Cologne doctors successfully separated Siamese twins from Georgia

Physicians operate the twins Tamari and Tebrole in a five-hour operationDoctors at a children's hospital in Cologne have successfully separated...

Clinical study Grinner healing water is said to help with back pain

Scientists prove the healing power of Grinner spring water Bathing in the mineral water of the Albenbades in Grins can...