Clinical study Grinner healing water is said to help with back pain

Clinical study Grinner healing water is said to help with back pain / Health News
Scientists prove the healing power of Grinner spring water
Bathing in the mineral water of the Albenbades in Grins can apparently bring about a relief of back pain. This is the result of a clinical study by the Zams Hospital and Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg, which was presented to the public yesterday. Thus, it could be proven that the healing water from the small community Grins combined with a movement plan can significantly reduce pain in the lower spine.

Water is enriched with magnesium and calcium
The Grinner medicinal springs above the Tyrolean municipality of Grins have always been known for their pleasant effect, because the water is enriched with valuable minerals such as magnesium and calcium. But so far there was no scientific evidence for the effectiveness. For this reason, the Zams Hospital and the Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg (PMU) spent three years studying Grinner Heilwasser as part of a large-scale study.

Grinner healing water is to help against back pain and other ailments. (Image:

Funded by the state, Salzburg University lecturer Arnulf Hartl from the PMU and his team examined the healing properties of water in chronic low back pain. Not without reason, because back pain is now considered a widespread disease and take in more cases a chronic course. "Over two million people in Austria suffer from it, it is the most common reason for a visit to the doctor," said the scientist.

Scientists are examining more than 90 subjects with back pain
Researchers examined more than 90 subjects, who divided them into three groups for better comparability. One group went hiking in Grins for a week and bathed in the spring every day, the second went hiking and the rest of the participants did not do either. It turned out that in the first two groups the back pain improved after only seven days - and to a similar degree. For those who had additionally bathed, however, the effect lasted comparatively long and continued to improve steadily.

"Even after four months, the test subjects still found an improvement in orthopedic parameters, health-related quality of life, mental well-being, and in particular a reduction in back pain," says Arnulf Hartl. Thus, the researcher has demonstrated a long-term effect of this application.

Water acts like a normal painkiller - but without chemistry
The water works therefore "similar to a painkiller of pharmacology", except that it does not require any chemicals, Hartl explained. An encouraging result, because the scientific evidence for the health-promoting effect of bathing and hiking in Grins for back pain was "for the health and tourism industry in the district almost a call to open this project," said Health Councilor Bernhard Tilg.

But for the municipality of Grins, the promising results represent a challenge. Until now, only private rentals have been made, and at the moment only one guesthouse offers the opportunity for a stop. For the further development of the project, therefore, according to Mayor Lutz, they want to "put one stone over the other", reports the "Tiroler Tageszeitung". Also concrete temples are not desired in the wellness segment, but there would be the vision of a larger bath on the Eichibühel.

Marketing of the health product from autumn 2016
2016 would now be a trial started with four to five health resorts, from autumn next year should then be started with the application of the health product "swimming and hiking in Grins" explained project manager Ernst Fleischhacker. The offer includes among other things a medical entrance and exit examination as well as a walking and bathing plan with a continuous care by trained personnel.
According to health councilor Tilg and mayor Lutz, however, the Zammer Gemse host Josef Haueis should not be forgotten in the entire success story. Because he has always seen great potential for development at Grinner Heilwasser: "Without this water pioneer, who is able to combine vision and entrepreneurship, we would not have been able to set the current Grinner milestone for health tourism country Tyrol," says Tilg.