Cologne doctors successfully separated Siamese twins from Georgia

Cologne doctors successfully separated Siamese twins from Georgia / Health News
Physicians operate the twins Tamari and Tebrole in a five-hour operation
Doctors at a children's hospital in Cologne have successfully separated a Siamese twin from Georgia. The two girls had grown together on the lower chest and abdominal area, but could not be operated on in their home country. The procedure lasted five hours and presented the physicians with some challenges. Because the children had previously shared a liver, also the simultaneous anesthesia had to be controlled.

Children were connected to each other at the lower chest and abdominal area
The pediatric hospital Amsterdamer Straße has achieved a medical sensation. As reported by the clinics in Cologne, it is Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Boemers and his 20-member team succeeded in separating a Siamese twins. The little sisters Tamari and Tebrole had grown together on the lower chest and abdomen and had previously shared a liver. The separation of the organ had been a particular challenge for the doctors, as well as the control of the simultaneous anesthesia of the two toddlers.

Operation succeeded: Siamese twins separated. Picture: sudok1 - fotolia

The girls were born on March 12, 2015 in Georgia and reportedly had all the regular organs apart from the common liver. The physicians in the home advised a separation of the zusammengewachsen body, which, however, could not be carried out in Georgia. Before the intervention by the Cologne specialists, the children were extensively examined, Wednesday was then finally the successful separation. This was the first operational separation Siamese twins succeeded in the Cologne clinics, the cost of about 81,000 euros would be taken over by aid organizations.

Girls are receiving intensive care for a few days
"Tamari and Tebrole have coped well with the operation and will be receiving intensive care for a few more days," said Thomas Boemers, chief physician at the Pediatric Surgery Department of the Children's Hospital in front of the news agency "dpa". The experienced physician had formerly studied in Munich and since 2005 head doctor of the Department of Pediatric Surgery in Cologne. "The two girls now have the great opportunity to lead a largely normal life," said the expert.

Adhesions on the rump, abdomen or head rather rare
The term "Siamese twins" refers to an aberration in identical twins, through which the children are connected after birth. It is estimated that only about one pair of Siamese twins will have one million live births. The connection can be limited only to external tissue, but also reach to the internal organs, so that, as with Georgian girls, for example. only one liver or one heart is present. In most cases, the adhesion occurs in the chest area, more rarely Siamese twins are born with adhesions on the rump, stomach or head. The children have all the vital organs, a surgical procedure is possible, however, especially the separation of grown-up babies is considered very risky. (No)