Cold and heating air What really helps against dry skin in winter

Cold and heating air What really helps against dry skin in winter / Health News

Icy cold: In winter, our skin needs special care

Inside, dry heating air and icy cold outside: In winter, our skin is also required a lot. Skin care is particularly important in the cold season. Not only special creams, but also a balanced diet can help to protect the skin.

Dry skin in winter

Rough hands, dry, itchy shins, scaly areas on the face and brittle lips: Especially in the cold season, it can come to skin problems due to the often icy temperatures and also because of the dry heating air. Skin protection is therefore of particular importance in winter. A few tips can help.

Dry heating air and cold outside temperatures stress our skin. Especially in winter, it requires a special skin care. (Image: Andrey Popov /

Do not scratch

The combination of cold and heating air often causes the skin to itch, flake and stretch throughout the body in winter.

This is not only unpleasant, but also endangers your health. Finally, the skin has an important protective function. If it has dried out, for example, small cracks can cause germs, bacteria and fungi to enter the body.

It is very important not to scratch yourself. This only aggravates the itching caused by dry skin.

With a few tips and the right care, skin problems can usually be prevented.

Water bowls on the heater

It is recommended to put a few bowls of water on the radiators in the cold season. As a result, the humidity in the apartment increases again.

Experts also advise taking a shower rather than bathing in the winter. Because too long in the tub, the skin dries out stronger and itching.

When showering, however, is promoted by the massage effect of the water jet, the circulation and thus increases the elasticity of the skin.

But who prefers the tub, should use bath oils or moisturizing additives that protect the skin from further dehydration. But only bathe at a maximum of 37 degrees and no longer than 15 minutes.

showering instead of bathing

Not only after bathing you should cream yourself. For winter skin care are especially fatty creams.

Emulsions or moisturizers should be better avoided. They contain too much water. This can even cause damage to the skin in very cold temperatures.

And care products that contain additives such as preservatives, fragrances or alcohol can irritate the skin.

Natural, well-tolerated alternatives include cocoa or shea butter. Sesame oil also helps with dry skin. Urea (urea) is also a good moisturizer.

Also on the lips should be thought. Their skin is very fine and needs to be protected from the cold products with high fat content. For example, creams or lip balms with beeswax, jojoba or almond oil are well-suited for keeping the lips supple.

Healthy nutrition protects the skin

The skin also does good moisture from the inside. Drink a lot, preferably water, fruit spritzers, fruit or herbal teas.

Even a balanced diet protects against dry skin. Fresh fruits and vegetables provide the body with essential vitamins, trace minerals and antioxidants.

The vitamins A, E and C are responsible for a beautiful skin.

Alcohol consumption and smoking strain sensitive skin. Furthermore, stress and lack of sleep can disturb the delicate balance of the skin.

Through a lot of exercise in the fresh air, the circulation of the skin is promoted, thus preventing dry skin. (Ad)